Part 2 - Israel, Food and You

When we watch CNN or the BBC, all our hearts have ached for the destruction and mayhem that goes on in the Middle East. It is hard to reconcile an artistic creative God who loves Israel, with bombed out buildings, dead mothers and fathers, and children. Nonetheless God the creator of all things made Israel for a reason with great love and care, and has an eternal promise to her as a nation. Yes, even Israel is His art.
Israel is Art
"I am the Lord, your Holy One, The
Creator of Israel, your King" Isaiah 43:15. God's beloved nation is
created art. God is deeply in love with Israel and wholly enamoured by
her. In scripture we also see God the 'fashion designer' at work for
her. '"Your fame went out among the nations because of your beauty.
For it was perfect through My splendor which I had bestowed on you"
says the Lord God' Ezekiel 16:14.
God referred to Jerusalem as beautiful and perfect. Perhaps that is why there is such a constant battle for her in the world, for the devil knows God's heart for Israel. In that beauty God clothed Israel with embroidered cloth, fine linen and silk, shoes of animal skin, and fine jewelry of gold and silver (V10-13). God is a fashion designer, in fact He was the first, 'Also for Adam and his wife the Lord God made tunics of skin, and clothed them' Genesis 3:21.
Food is Art
When you look at the Old Testament
temples, with all their animal sacrifices, breads and holy
candleholders, you will find our artistic Lord is the most original
butcher, baker and candlestick maker! (See Exodus 35-39). God is the
interior designer par excellence. In God's love for Jerusalem, we find
He is the original artistic baker and 'Naked Chef'! He gave her
beautiful food to eat - all of this in the quality of royalty (Ezekiel
16:13). His celebration for eating and being with Israel, is the very
heart and core of what real communion is. Koinonia, to communicate in
partnership, remembrance, have fellowship, participation and social
sharing, having an intimate meal with someone. This is communicative
art. Eating and food are art. God created all foods, with all its
astonishing variety and color. He's the original Herbalist (Genesis
1:29), vegetable lover, and creator of meat; all made for our good and
You are Art
You are God's art in Christ! 'And
that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in
righteousness and true holiness' Ephesians 4:24. "David cried out,
'Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit
within me' Psalm 51:10. God's daily work in your heart is Divine
artwork! Through Jesus He created a new man or woman for you to be -
when you look in the mirror in the morning, see a canvass ready to be
painted by God!
(Extracts from the book by Stephen Bennett - The Divine
I was blessed by reading this article,
especialy talking about Israel ... and it means so much to me when you said that we are a canvas and GOD wants to draw on us every morning - it is so encoureging!
Thank you