Heather Bellamy talked to Chris Vinton, the Accounts Manager at Christian Technology

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When my daughter is old enough, I know the key is communicating with her and letting her know that whilst I trust her, I have something in place for her own safety and my peace of mind.

Like most parents, I want to encourage my daughter to learn how to act and behave responsibly.

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Heather: Another big on-line issue is pornography, which is a problem for many people. For someone wanting to escape their addiction, do you offer any services that could help them?

Chris: I have had conversations with customers who have been surprisingly up-front about issues that they have had with pornography and wanting to know if the system that we have in place is something that they could by-pass - which they can't because it is not loaded on to a local PC.

There are thousands of new websites that are launched every day and a very high percentage of them relate to pornography so it is an issue that is not going to go away. It is, therefore, essential to have a system in place which monitors the introduction of new websites and updates the blocked list all of the time, as our Content Filtering service does.

There is also the business perspective to take in to account. Already in America, lawsuits have been successfully brought by employees who have walked past a colleagues desk who was viewing pornography, taken offence at what they have inadvertently seen and so sued the company for the offence that it has caused.

Again, we can provide a solution that can help businesses of all sizes protect their employees and also protect them against inappropriate use, internal hacks, productivity loss, etc, etc.

Heather: Do you think there should be tighter laws when it comes to the internet? Do you think it's possible for any bodies to bring a stronger policing? Obviously the level of freedom of expression can be used for both good and harm.

Chris: Personally I feel that the internet is a reflection of society. The internet doesn't necessarily give us any thing new it just makes it easier to get hold of it or find out about it.

I think the Internet is one of the most important inventions of modern times and one of the key reasons that the internet is such a powerful tool is because it is not policed.

For many Christians who live in countries that do not permit them to live out their faith, the internet is quite possibly the only resource they have to a Bible, Biblical teaching, Christian music and encouragement from other Christians.

The internet does cover all aspects of life, both good and bad and I would say that the Internet is virtually impossible to comprehensively police.

I always picture the Internet as a big Library with a complete range of books - it just depends on which book you want to look at.

Heather: What role do you see the internet playing in our lives in the future? And finally, what do you see in the future for Christian Technology?