UCB CROSS RHYTHMS, having successfully launched its Saturday programming, is now planning to go 24 hours a day, seven-day-a-week by December. Tony Cummings spoke to station director Chris Cole.

In UCB's Stoke-On-Trent studios all is a frantic surge of activity. Steve Perry and his trusty sidekick Blaine Davidson are busy pulling CDs from the bursting-at-the-seams music library for their noon phone-in show. Paul Cross and helpers are on air reading out news titbits straight from America's CCM trade press. Dave Cross, the new PR man for Cross Rhythms, is in deep phone conversation with a listener explaining to her how she can get the Word For Today devotional booklet sent regularly. Jon Bellamy is in Studio Two editing up another edition of the Cross Rhythms Experience. And Chris Cole, pastor, radio presenter, publisher, businessman, station director of UCB Cross Rhythms and master at plate-spinning is leading me to a vacant studio so we can talk about where the station might be heading in the light of the announcement that UCB Cross Rhythms goes daily on satellite in December 1997 as the logical next step in establishing a terrestrial CCM national radio station.
Tony: I suppose the first thing you'd want to say to Cross
Rhythms readers would be go out and get yourselves a satellite dish
and decoder.
Chris: "I think buying a satellite dish
would be a positive move. But probably the major concern for me is
that Cross Rhythms readers begin to get a glimmer of what God is doing
with contemporary Christian music radio and the Cross Rhythms
festivals and the opportunities that God is giving us to move on as a
ministry and hopefully support other sister ministries involved in
contemporary Christian music. We've known for a long time that without
people being able to listen to the music, there is a huge problem in
distributing contemporary Christian music in Britain. But I think that
as we build with other sister ministries, Christian bands and artists
and sympathetic churches we can mutually resource each other in a
Kingdom of God manner, as we are exhorted to do in the Bible, so that
we're not only taking care of our own interests but taking care of the
interests of others. I believe that God will then begin to build
something in the UK that will be foundational in supporting the
contemporary Christian music scene which in itself will support other
aspects of what God is doing in the UK."
Tony: Isn't the fact that Cross Rhythms has pioneered
broadcasting CCM on mainstream "secular" radio stations mean that you
may now be criticised for your involvement in what some would see as a
subcultural Christian ghetto?
Chris: "Yes, I think there
has been some criticism by my peers. They're asking are you
broadcasting or are you narrowcasting? What I've tried to be over the
years is faithful to what God called me to. I've found that in a sense
you can both narrowcast and broadcast simultaneously if you begin to
develop a language of truth, or to use a term we've used before, to
secularise the sacred. What I mean by that is not in any way to rob
our programmes of the power of the Cross but rather re-define our
language, so that it makes sense to non-Christians as well as
Christians. Language is changing all the time. I just think we in the
Church are getting better today in communicating the Good News,
whether the people listening to the programmes are Christians or
non-Christians. Of course for communication to occur it depends on
whether listeners have their ears open to the truth or not. But that
is another subject. And even if ears are open in the beginning that
can change. For example, I have met people in the past who have
listened to a Cross Rhythms programme on an ILR station, have actually
been saved, got into a church, and stopped listening! That really
makes more of a statement about the stifling nature of some church
structures. We need to recapture Christianity as a lifestyle. From my
perspective, the opportunity that God has given us in UCB is to
develop a ministry that conveys Christianity as a lifestyle to both
Christians and non-Christians. I think that as we grow we'll probably
find UCB Cross Rhythms with quite a strong evangelistic edge to it
where perhaps UCB Europe might be more for teaching and the
edification of the body. There might be two different personalities at
the station both with the same character. But I could see UCB Cross
Rhythms probably touching the world with perhaps more of an
understanding of our humanity. I'm not saying that UCB Europe doesn't
for some people. But UCB Cross Rhythms might be more likely to connect
through its language and music with non-Christians."
Tony: Where do you think the Church and the Christian music
scene are heading in Britain?
Chris: "There is a great
debate in our nation, is Christianity a lifestyle or is it a religion?
I think that part of the initiatives we are seeing today - sanctified
dance, alternative worship, a return to Celtic spirituality, the
traditions being touched by God's Spirit, the Toronto Blessing, the
new emphasis on social justice are very challenging to some believers,
creating quite an insecure environment spiritually where people are
being forced to either retreat into sheltered religion or sectarianism
or re-evaluate their faith and rediscover that Jesus is the head of
each believer and that Christianity is a lifestyle, not something that
can be organised and kept within religious structures or rigid
compartments. It is very painful because we can't throw the baby out
with the bath water. Life does have to be organised. But if we lose
sight of why we are organising it, true Christian spirituality begins
to flounder. In some churches in Britain today we've lost sight of the
reasons WHY we are organised. In such churches believers are just used
as pew fodder. Biblically the work of the Church is to build people up
into their most holy faith in Christ, not to dominate, manipulate or
control. The Church needs to liberate through the work of the Spirit,
to graciously love each other and bring revelation that we are a
community of believers and God is working that through."
Tony: How difficult is it for two ministries like Cross
Rhythms and UCB, which for more than a decade ran separately from each
other, to work so closely together?
Chris: "I think
without a doubt the UCB Trustees and our Trustees at Cross Rhythms are
aware of the danger of any step of faith. But I think it's been
sensitively evaluated. I think the relational dynamics of the two
ministries coming together are extremely important. But the stakes we
are aiming for are well worth the risks because we are talking about
the first national Christian radio station. God is all over UCB. And
I'm not saying this arrogantly, but I think that, down the years, God
has been all over us at Cross Rhythms. There's been a sense of God's
hand upon us. We've seen that life at the festivals. It's been very
challenging and sometimes quite gruelling. But that's what's so
beautiful about our faith, I don't think God ever makes us totally
secure in what we do in faith. The pressure keeps us dependant upon an
intimate relationship with Jesus"
Tony: I know UCB Cross Rhythms had one phone call from a lady
in Northern Ireland saying she was stopping her kids listening to the
programmes on Saturday as she thought they were 'worldly'. How do you
respond to that?
Chris: "This is the difficulty and once
again I don't think there's a simple answer to give. I think we can
respond graciously. I tried to telephone the lady back. It just so
happened that at the time she couldn't get into a conversation because
she was just going out the door at the time I made the call. If we
look at such a criticism from a theological perspective we would have
to begin by acknowledging that each individual Christian is a living
stone, Scripture puts the emphasis on each individual Christian
working out their salvation with fear and trembling. If, in good
conscience, someone has to break relationship with another brother or
sister, it's sad but as long as they are working that through with
their own conscience that is really what God is looking at. I don't
expect us all to see every issue, theological or cultural, from the
same perspective. God delights in diversity and has allowed believers
to develop different cultures and different theological traditions.
"Finally, we all see as through a glass darkly. Having said that, I believe that if we are trying, within our hearts, to be truly part of the solution instead of being part of the problem, I think we can demonstrate tolerance and love to each other - despite our differences. There is a sense of a microfocus in one's walk where one's got to look at that Kingdom of God within and say how is my life affecting another human being, whilst at the same time stewarding the macrofocus of our own faith and our own vision. Whatever we do in ministry we want to take as many people as we can with us on our journey. But as we know in Church history you can't take everybody, there are bound to be some dissenters. We mustn't get threatened by cultural or theological differences. We've got to start being comfortable in the insecurity of being the Church in a broken world. Our only security is in Jesus, not in our church membership or our theological understanding or our cultural tradition. We've got to say we don't know what the future will hold. My prayer is that we will be able to build so deeply between the two ministries of UCB and Cross Rhythms that we can truly stand against what the world, and even occasionally what religious brothers and sisters throw at us. In the future I think we will be in for quite a degree of persecution. If we are going to be effective for the Gospel of Jesus Christ in terms of broadcasting to the nation, we are going to touch some people where it really hurts and there is going to be some flak. If Cross Rhythms and UCB are not moulded together relationally and in spiritual understanding we won't hack it."
Tony: Are you frustrated that it might take longer than
originally thought to get UCB Cross Rhythms on 'ordinary' terrestrial
Chris: "I think Gareth (Littler) and I would like
to see the whole procedure speeded up so that we can start getting the
transmitters erected and the finance worked through for that. For my
part though, I actually am very happy with however long it takes as
long as the depth of maturity is reached in all the UCB team. That
way, when we do launch terrestrially, we will have the spiritual
maturity and confidence and professionalism and graciousness that will
be essential to impact this nation."
Mike Rimmer
A Profile Special
During those occasions when radio presenter and
journalist Mike Rimmer is not listening to music, he's often talking
about it with one of the world's top Christian musicians. Every week
UCB Cross Rhythms presents Mike grilling an artist about their music
and their faith. When asked to recall a few of the many names that
have passed before Mike's roving microphone, he responds promptly,
'I've interviewed Steve Taylor, Steven Curtis Chapman, the World Wide
Message Tribe, Chris Lizotte, GRITS, Petra, Anointed, Chris Eaton,
Caroline Bonnett, Ron Kenoly, Vigilantes..." Mike takes a breath and I
move him on before the list alone fills a magazine. What exactly does
Profile Special attempt to do? "Christian music is still in a
formative stage as far as building a support base in Europe," replies
Mike. "Although more and more people every week are listening to it,
many of those listening have only the haziest knowledge of where the
music comes from, the artist's background, what are his or her most
significant songs, etc, etc. I talk to an artist and try and pinpoint
their creativity and their spirituality. And I play the cream of their
recordings." The best of Mike's regular interviews sometimes form the
basis of articles in this very magazine.
Steve Perry
Cross Talk
12.00 noon
Every Saturday afternoon listeners from all over Europe
dial into the radio studios at Stoke-On-Trent and talk to a 23 year
old presenter called Steve Perry giving their views on a myriad of
topics. In between snatches of animated and often fascinating
conversation of the week's topic (Cash, Alcohol, Job Satisfaction, TV)
Steve blends in some artfully selected CCM (the TV theme-Cross Talk
recently featured such plucked-from-the-archive delights as "People In
The Box" by Farrell & Farrell and "Media Alert" by John Lawry).
Steve sees the function of Cross Talk to be a platform where "people
can feel free to express themselves about a wide range of topics."
Steve, who trained at Bible College in Doncaster before joining UCB in
1993, is encouraged by the way the show is developing. "People phone
in from Belfast, from Dublin, Wales, Southern England, France,
Germany, seemingly everywhere. The aim of Cross Talk is to get people
thinking about their faith and how it applies to any manner of
subjects without getting TOO serious." Aided by 15-year-old production
assistant Blaine Davidson and with a growing band of volunteers, Cross
Talk is clearly succeeding in putting content back into phone-ins.