Israel Update for August 2013
Continued from page 2
Israeli PM Netanyahu spoke about the atrocity at the opening of his weekly cabinet meeting on August 25th. He told his government ministers that Israel is ready to respond militarily against the Assad regime if that becomes necessary. "First, this situation cannot continue. Second, it is forbidden for the world's most dangerous regimes to have the most dangerous weapons in the world. And thirdly, we expect this to end, but we remember the ancient adage of our sages: 'If we are not for ourselves, who will be for us' - that is to say, our finger, our hand, will always be on the pulse. Our finger is responsible, and when needed it is also on the trigger."
Turmoil In Lebanon
Four rockets were fired from Lebanon into Israeli territory in mid-August, triggering a quick Israeli military response. The target was said to be a base near the Mediterranean coast south of Beirut that is used by a pro-Syrian Palestinian PLO faction, the Popular Front group. Another group linked to Al Qaida, the "Brigades of Abdullah Azzam," claimed it had carried out the attack. It was the first time that Israeli air force jets bombed positions in the unstable Arab country since the Second Lebanon War ended in August, 2006.
Enemy rockets struck two unnamed Israeli communities near Haifa the third week of August, thankfully without causing any significant damage or human casualties. A crater was created in a road where one of the rockets landed and exploded. Israel's sophisticated Iron Dome anti-missile system was ordered into action after computers projected a rocket would strike a heavily built up area, probably inside of Haifa's city limits. The fourth rocket landed short of its target outside of Israeli territory.
One week before the attack, a massive car bomb exploded in a Hizbullah-controlled Shite suburb of the Lebanese capital city, killing 20 people and wounding around 200 others. Later in the month, two powerful car bombs exploded next to two Sunni Muslim mosques in the northern city of Tripoli, killing over 40 people and wounding at least 500 others. Local officials blamed Shiite forces loyal to Syrian dictator Bashar Assad for the attacks.
With turmoil and bloodshed flooding the region, few Israelis paid much attention to the renewed peace talks with the Palestinian Authority that began during the month. Opinion surveys showed very few Palestinians or Israelis believe the American-sponsored negotiations will make significant progress in overcoming the many obstacles that still lie in the way of a final peace accord between the longtime foes.
With the Middle East apparently inching ever closer to all out
regional war, it is good to recall that the Lord God of Israel is
watching over His chosen people whatever comes their way. Therefore
they can join King David in gladly proclaiming that "Some boast in
chariots and some in horses, but we will boast in the Name of the
Lord, out God" (Psalm 20:7).
'both sides put forth positions that had earlier been rejected by the other side. Among them was the continuing Palestinian Authority insistence that PM Netanyahu halt all Jewish home construction in the disputed territories north and south of Jerusalem and in the eastern half of the capital city itself before serious bargaining can actually take place. Israeli officials made clear this was not on the horizon. Meanwhile the Israeli Premier came under more scathing criticism for agreeing last month to release over 100 Palestinian security prisoners' - this feels like another biased article from Cross Rhythms - according to this "both sides" put forward positions that had earlier been rejected by the other side, but only the Palestinian one is mentioned using the words "continuing insistence". The Israeli demands are not mentioned, but the fact that they have released hundreds of prisoners and have been criticised for it is mentioned. Maybe try critiquing the demands too - is it really unfair to ask that disputed land is not built on while negotiations take place? What kind of commitment does it show to a genuine openess to resolution if you continue doing what you've always done as though you know you're going to win?