Dennis Peacocke considers the need for a global do-over in how nations run their economics

Ancient Israel was established by God on a very deep social and
personal set of cycles. Every seven days there was a mandatory
Sabbath; every seven years a 'reset' of loans and collateral
securities; every seven years there was to be a sabbatical year for
the land and all related agricultural activity; every
seven-times-seven completion, a fiftieth-year Jubilee where all land
mortgages reverted back to their original owners and some conscripted
labor went free. In short, debts were ended and the economy was free -
a fresh start for those needing second chances at financial
The profound significance of such a system is
almost breathtaking in contrast to where our global economy is today.
As the gaps between the very rich and everybody else continue to
widen, and as the middle class in most of the so-called 'first world'
stagnates as wages relative to inflation slide backward, one must
wonder, "How can this Old Testament pattern speak to us today?" While
many in the 'third world' lack the benefit of various economic skills,
are saturated with corruption and failed legal systems, and are
short-changed by selective first-world economic policies, those with a
concern for people continue to ask, "How can this be remedied?"
Socialism has proven unworkable and unsustainable on every
level. Economic 'redistribution' is robbery on one side of the
equation and proven failure on the other unless those receiving the
'redistribution' have the skill-sets to use those resources to find
true self-sufficiency. The trillion-dollar programmes of the 'Great
Society' in the inner cities of America have proven that. While masses
of uninformed people still believe in a zero-sum economy (that is,
that the rich have somehow taken money away from the poor because the
money supply is a fixed quantity), clear-thinking, economic reality is
rarer and rarer to find.
In my 2012 book, On The Destiny
Of Nations: Resolving The Current Economic Crisis, I, like others,
talked about a 'great reset' washing towards us in the coming years.
It affords the possibility of a kind of biblical sabbatical like unto
the year of Jubilee if we can respond to it appropriately and keep the
economic-limited thinkers, the political opportunists, and the
uninformed masses or populists away from the steering wheels. That, in
itself, will take a miracle of biblical proportions! So what course
should we take when the God of mercy uses our current economic
iniquities to give us the possibility of a global do-over? To be
continued... And that is... THE BOTTOM LINE.