Song of Solomon 2: 14, Psalm 62: 8

Our voice is the expression of us, who we are...our opinions, thoughts, hopes, dreams, pains, requests, desires, questions and queries.
When God planned and saw each of us, before we were even born, (Psalm 139: 15-17) He planned for a whole human being, someone powerful, strong, someone unique and different from every other person who ever has been or ever will be. He wanted what we would contribute to this earth and His Kingdom, He wanted relationship with us.
God is a Father who can't wait for us to come running with confidence to Him. As a child with a Dad who knows how loved they are, who basks in the acceptance and knowledge that their Dad's heart is eager to give them every good gift, eager to hear their voice say anything, but above all to hear them make their requests of Him; as within that act is the demonstration that they know their Father and know how much they're loved!
'My dove in the clefts of the rock, in the hiding places on the mountainside, show me your face, let me hear your voice; for your voice is sweet, and your face is lovely.' (Song of Solomon 2: 14)
Whoever you are, whatever your unique voice, God declares that your voice is sweet to Him! He wants to hear it.
'Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.' (Psalm 62: 8)
God wants us to pour our hearts out to Him. He wants to be our closest confidant. He cares about everything that is in our hearts and doesn't want us to hold back.
When we seek Him, He will answer. When we ask His opinion, advice or inspiration, He will give it. He's a Dad who will never hold back, He's a Dad who's always there, who wants a two-way relationship, He wants our voice and He will give us His too.
There are so many examples in the Bible of Him re-iterating this point to us. It seems to be something that is central to His relationship with us and how He wants us to see Him and how He sees us:
- He sees us as His friend and not a slave (John 15:15)
- He sees us as co-heirs with Jesus (Romans 8: 16-17)
- He sees us as His sons and children (Romans 8: 15 & Galations 4: 6)
- He says He's a Father who gives good gifts (Matthew 7: 11)
- He says He wants to answer us (Matthew 7: 7-9)
- He says He wants us to ask (Matthew 7: 7-9)
- He teaches us how to ask so we can receive (James 4:2-3)
- He teaches us of our authority now we're His sons through Jesus (Matthew 18:18-19)
- He tells of how He trusts us and has delegated to us and empowered us (John 14: 12-13)
- He tells us to come boldly and to have confidence in coming to Him (Hebrews 4:16)
- The Father wants to give to us (John 16:23-25)
If there's one thing I could encourage you in today, it would be to exercise your voice, to value it and not throw it away, as to throw it away is to throw away yourself. It would be to tell Him everything and to ask whatever you see to ask. It would be to pray for others, to speak on their behalf too.
The power of our voice is the power of having relationship with the King of Kings, with the God of the universe. Our voice can speak life or death (Proverbs 18: 21) as we're made in the image of One who created everything through what He spoke (Genesis 1: 3-26).
God hasn't changed from the beginning to the end. He began wanting relationship, creating Adam and Eve, He continued to want relationship after the fall, working through prophets and priests to have relationship with the people. He sent His Son so He could have relationship with each of us individually and everything will end with the relationship of the Bridegroom (Christ) and His Bride (the church)!
It's an incredibly liberating thing to realise how God sees us and to know the value of our own voice. There is no darkness in Him, there's no control or domination. He came to set you free (John 8: 36) and wherever He is there is freedom (2 Corinthians 3:17).
I pray that through Jesus, your voice would be fully liberated and set free and that you would be able to speak and express yourself fully. I pray that you wouldn't compare yourself to anyone else, but would value you and know what you mean to God and why He created you. I pray for everything you are to burst forth from your heart in expression to Him and that you would know the intimacy of also having Him speak to you.
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Thanks for that word. it's just another confirmation on what God is saying to His church.
God bless!