Kat Mills talks about asking and accepting help when we need it

Summer is a season of anticipation - children and teachers counting down the days until the holidays, trips, ice creams, and treats. There are lots of things to look forward to but one of the things that gets me at this time of year is the influx of flies and other bugs that make their way into the house through open windows and doors. So we have the conundrum - sweltering in the heat but in a fly-free zone, or fresh air and a regular swat or chase of flies.
Although the frantic swishing and swatting is often both frustrating and humorous, my preferred tactic is to wait until the fly goes near the door and being a well-mannered Brit, I open the door and usher it outside! Occasionally this tactic works, but I have now come to the sensible conclusion that a fly net is required. I should have bought one years ago! Problem solved!
Just before this net had been put up on the back door a bumblebee bustled its way into my kitchen. I am a lot more careful when it comes to bees! I always make sure they get out safely without getting stung! It was on the window and very carefully, with a wooden spoon, I pushed the window open leaving a wide space for the bumble bee to escape from without any issues or stress - simple!
I soon realised the bumblebee hadn't seen the opening and instead had fixated all its efforts of escape on a tiny gap by the hinge. I saw it edging towards this hole and trying to wriggle its big body through. I was trying to lead it to the safest way out, but it couldn't see it. It very nearly impaled itself and was in danger of losing a wing, but thankfully in the end it fit through and flew off into freedom.
I shook my head in disbelief at the almost costly exit this bee had made - it had been rather short-sighted. It made a choice and went for it, no matter what the consequences.
It got me thinking about the times in our lives when we can be like this short-sighted bumble bee. We sometimes don't take the time to reflect, step back from a situation, and look at the best options available. We often bumble around - wriggling, fighting, even potentially damaging ourselves when there is a much safer option available. If we took a step away to re-evaluate our options.
In my life I know there has been collateral damage because I was in a hurry, or a panic to reach my destination that I neglected to find the best and safest path. I am learning to ask God for help in this area - praying that he would help me not be short-sighted, but to be able to take the time to look and practice patience rather than rushing in head-first and then paying the consequences.
I believe God gives us all the gift of common sense, as well as
helping us along the way. We need to be aware of this help, accept it
and use it. I tried, albeit unsuccessfully, to help that bumble bee -
can we spot when help is coming our way?