The Church is growing at a rapid rate around the world. Artists are turning their hearts & crafts to God. These are the greatest times to live in the history of the world.

Bono (U2's lead singer) was recently in Europe sitting on the panel at a world forum dealing with world poverty issues. I thought, 'there he is - an artistic diplomat'. As a man of faith he is to be applauded, not criticized - 'good on you Bono'.
Jesus the Rabbi visited the 'Starbucks' well of Samaria (John 4 - New Testament), a land the religious priests of His day avoided going to. He spoke to a woman, something again the priests from Jerusalem didn't do. Jesus modeled for us what we should, and could do in our own worlds. He found a future diplomat in a sinful woman who was an adulteress. He gave her truth, love, understanding, revelation and purpose. He started a revolution.
God is still looking for people who will be ambassadors for Christ daily in life - 24/7; to carry the worshipping kiss of passion by God's grace and love. That passion and power lives in your words, your songs, your freshness, your transparent honesty, and the character of a buoyant faith in the one who redeemed you from a lost life - Jesus.
This power is prophetic: it moves people toward God, affects the atmosphere, changes churches, cities, and nations. It will end up in your song and praise, your painting, your writing, your TV productions, your film (look at Mel Gibson's The Passion), whatever art you do! It completely changed the world, of a multi-married woman at the 'Starbucks' well and ultimately all whom she was connected with. Understanding real Truth can change you; the world is looking for reality and so are many who believe in God - that is why speakers like Joyce Meyer, John and Lisa Bevere, among many others, are so popular today.
Despite what the media says about the Church, the Christian revivals of the nineties and into this new Millennium are bringing millions to faith in Christ. God is at work mightily in reaching the nations. The President of the most powerful nation in the world is a committed pro-active Christian. Millions pray for him daily. The Church is growing at a rapid rate around the world. Musicians, singers and artists are turning their hearts and crafts to God, so He can pour his glory through their creativity. These are the greatest times to live in the history of the world.
In all this refreshing we must stay close and intimate with God. We
all need it! God wants the rest of mankind to seek Him and find Him,
but we must be His vessels of freshness - artistic diplomats to a
hurting world. Reaching into the depths of human hearts, and showing
them the real God of the Bible in all His Glory power and majesty. Do