K.P. Westmoreland shares some great stories

David did it when he stood his ground after crossing over the line drawn in the sand by Goliath (1 Samuel 17:40-51). An unnamed boy did it when he offered his lunch to Jesus and became a part of the miracle of feeding more than 5,000 (John 6:1-14) and they are still doing it today. Children are taking their stand and we can definitely learn something from them.
A Stand at one of our events
Kelly is seven-year-old boy who attended one of our concert events, "Revivalution" on May 10, 2002, in Oklahoma. He listened to the music and heard the message. When the offer was given, he stood to accept Jesus as his Lord and Savior, only to be pulled back down into his seat by the person next to him. Never taking his eyes off the front where many were making their way out of the shadows, he again stood to his feet only to be pulled back down, this time, accompanied with a voice that sternly said, "Sit down!"
How many of us have fought this same fight with that voice within us or with the enemy when we have sensed the invitation to come and meet with Jesus? How many of us have given up in our efforts to take our stand once our stand was faced with a little opposition? When we are being pulled down, how many times would we have made the effort to get back to our feet? Once, twice, three times?
The voice of faith within this boy would not let him stay down. As he fought off hands from either side of him and voices all around him that demanded that he "Sit back down," this little boy once again boldly stood to his feet - this time rescued by someone sitting nearby and escorted to the front.
The boy could have given up. He could have lost heart. He could have thought, "Well, I tried." He could have - but he didn't. He stood back up with a holy defiance and child-like faith against his surroundings, and God rescued him. How many of us have grown weary and sat back down into the seat of hopelessness, even though we hear the call to stand? How many worry that the stand will be a lonely one? Have we started to doubt that our Rescuer will actually come?
It is time to silence the voice of doubt within us and pull away from the hands of the enemy that try to pull us down. It is time, once again, to take our stand and take the hand of our rescuer and let Him lead us out of the darkness and into His light.
A Stand at School
Josh Bounds was a Jr. High student that took a stand, then wrote about it for a class paper that was to be about 'something special that I did on my summer vacation'. The assignment called for not only the writing of the paper but also to stand in front of the class and read it aloud. Josh stood in front of his class, at his public school, to read his essay. I received a copy of the essay and was blown away to know that a Jr. High boy took his stand despite potential opposition.
"I went to a church camp this summer. I had no idea what to expect. I planned on going to camp and goofing off. we stayed up late, ate junk food and talked to the girls. One night though the speaker, KP Westmoreland, called for anyone who wanted to become a Christian. I walked up and kneeled at the altar and prayed. This event was special to me because Christ came into my heart and purified me. He made me holy, worthy to him."
Josh did it, Kelly did it, David did it and even the boy who probably
faced opposition did it when he stood and gave his all to Jesus Christ
and watched as Jesus miraculously fed more than 5,000 people as a
result. And to think, they were all kids, children willing to take
their stand. Yea, we could all learn something from these children. We
could learn to take our stand no matter what the opposition, no matter
the danger, no matter our feelings and no matter the outcome. It's
time to stand!