Helen Kendall comments on our eating habits

I've been researching about self image and eating disorders for a book I'm working on. Learning about these self destructive cycles of behaviour that are so deadly - they ruin thousands of lives every year - it got me thinking; I wonder how many of us have spiritual eating disorders!
Anorexics choose to starve themselves despite the fact that we live in a country where good, wholesome food is readily available. They choose, for a variety of reasons to let their bodies waste away sometimes even to the point of death. As Christians we know that the Bible says that we should not live "by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God." We live in a nation where spiritual nourishment is plentiful and readily available. Most Christians in the West own numerous Bibles, libraries of Christian books and have access to websites and podcasts of the world's best speakers and theologians at their finger tips. Most of us have a church within a 5 minute drive, if not a 5 minute walk and yet how often do we starve ourselves of spiritual nourishment?
We know Gods word is good for us, we know we should read the Bible or spend time getting insight and wisdom from other Christians but instead we choose to go hungry. About a month ago I attended a church service on a Sunday morning. The worship was probably nothing out of the ordinary, but just being there, after months of being away through travelling, made me realise how spiritually hungry I'd become. I felt like a starving person who had suddenly been given some crumbs and it only made me realise how much more I needed. I know that worship is one of the ways I really connect with God and feel His presence and yet I'd been starving myself of that spiritual nourishment. I do travel a lot, but I could still listen to worship music or make time to worship at home.
Anorexics can get to the point where it's easier not to eat than to eat. I think I had got so busy and preoccupied with life that I was just not getting round to eating and yet not realising what a big effect it was having on my body. We learn in the Bible about putting on spiritual armour, but if your spiritual body is wasting away for lack of nourishment and too weak to stand, then no amount of armour is going to protect you from arrows and attacks. Many of us know people who have gradually lost their faith for various reasons. I can't help wondering if a spiritual eating disorder is the start of many people's sliding away from God. Without proper food we are weakened, we are more open to doubts and fears, we lose touch with God and can't feel His presence or hear from Him any more. And like anything, it's a slippery slope; once you stop eating, sometimes it's hard to start again.
So keep a varied diet, eat healthy! Get the spiritual food you need on
a regular basis. Try not to slip into habits and take time to prepare
and digest your food so that you stay strong.
Thanks helen for your article. It's very important as a christian to have a daily quiet time. Without that as your daily spiritual diet you can quickly slide backwards into old sins that you may have already received victory over. just like you said we choose to go hungry as well as the It's easy yo loose good wholesome diets spititually and naturally as you have mentioned in your article. Spending time with God for our spiritual wellbeing is very important. to concentrate on His word. to meditate upon it and gain insight from it. Then to go out in worship building your relationship with Him. I'm surte you can see the simile with buying, cooking and tasting food in the natural. Thanks again Liz