Sarah J spoke with author Bev Murrill
Continued from page 1
I'm really interested in the fact that there were times when God gave instructions for nobody to speak. One of these times was when the Israelite army walked around Jericho and they walked around 13 times. One of the battle strategies was to not say anything. Had they said something, what they would have said was this is never going to work; this is stupid; why are we even doing this? You know the Bible says that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. What that really means is the more you say something the more you believe it. If you're going to say the word of God you'll believe it, but if you're going to say something that is filled with fear or with hate you're going to believe it.
There might be times when you feel afraid of what might happen to your children. Are my children going to succeed, or will I be able to make the mortgage this month? It's really important not to spend time saying all the things that could go wrong, but if you're going to say anything you need to say, I don't know how we're going to do this, but I do know that God knows about it and he's not going to let us down; that sort of thing.
I think what often happens is that people get in the way of telling the same story 10 times to 10 different people, or even sometimes to the same person and we get our problems and we just go over them and over them and we tell everybody the same thing; I'm worried about this and this is terrible and this is what she said and this is what he said; I don't think that's going to work. We just keep repeating our stories of failure and fear over and over again. If I hear myself telling the same story of a problem or a fear more than twice in one day, I realise that I'm actually feeding my own fear and I need to stop talking.
Sarah J: So that's the point at which you say ok I need to stop and I need to focus on the positives?
Bev: Yeah.
Sarah J: That's really helpful practical advice for people. If people want to know a little bit about the CGI Movement, what are the contact details for that?
Bev: CGI stands for Christian Growth International and we are a church planting movement. We're planting four churches this year and we've just adopted one as well. Our whole focus, my husband's and my focus is really the development of ladies; helping ladies develop and become strong and feel supported in the body of Christ. The website is so if anybody wanted to go onto the website they could contact us easily through that.
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