Paul Calvert was there to hear the initial speeches and has also been speaking to people on the streets of Jerusalem and Bethlehem.

President Trump arrived in Israel yesterday. As Air Force One touched down, Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Rivlin were there to meet him. National anthems were played, The Star Spangled Banner and the Hatikvah, with President Rivlin taking President Trump to inspect the troops. Once the troops were inspected they went to the podium where they were introduced. President Rivlin was the first to welcome President Trump. Then the Prime Minister got up to make his speech. This is what he had to say:
"President Rivlin and his wife Nechama, President Trump and madam First Lady, Donald, Melania, welcome. A very warm welcome to Israel. Your visit here Mr President is truly historic. Never before has the first foreign trip of a President of the United States included a visit to Israel. Thank you Mr President. Thank you for this powerful expression of your friendship to Israel.

"Mr President, yesterday in Saudi Arabia, you delivered a forceful speech of clarity and conviction. You called on all nations to drive out terrorists and extremists. You called for the forces of civilisation to confront the forces of barbarism. Mr President, for 69 years, Israel has been doing precisely that. We have manned the front lines of civilisation; we fought terrorism and we built a modern, vibrant, democratic Jewish State. In doing so Mr President, we protected all faiths, Muslims, Christians, everyone. Throughout the Middle East Christian communities are decimated, minorities persecuted, but here in Israel, we are proud to have a growing thriving and Christian community and we guarantee the rights of all.
"Mr President, Israel also shares the commitment to peace that you expressed yesterday. We've already made peace with Egypt and with Jordan and Israel's hand is extended to peace, in peace, to all our neighbours, including the Palestinians. The peace we seek is a genuine durable one, in which the Jewish State was recognised, security remains in Israel's hands and the conflict ends once and for all.
"Mr President, you just flew from Riyadh to Tel Aviv; I hope that one day an Israeli Prime Minister will be able to fly from Tel Aviv to Riyadh. May your first trip to our region prove to be an historic milestone on the path towards reconciliation and peace.
"I look forward to working with you in the years ahead Mr President; to advance security, prosperity and peace. I am confident that under your leadership, the remarkable alliance between Israel and the United States will become ever greater, ever stronger.
"Donald and Melania, the entire US delegation, on behalf of the Government and the people of Israel, we welcome you to the State of Israel. May God bless you Mr President. May God bless Israel and may God bless the United States of America."
After President Netanyahu's speech came President Trump's speech:

"Thank you and shalom. It is wonderful to be here in Israel. President Rivlin, Mrs Rivlin, Prime Minister Netanyahu, Mrs Netanyahu, thank you very much.
"I am deeply grateful for your invitation and very very honoured to be with you. For my first overseas trip as President, I have come to this sacred and ancient land to reaffirm the unbreakable bond between the United States and the State of Israel.
"In this land so rich in history, Israel has built one of the world's great civilisations; a strong resilient determined and prosperous nation. It is also a nation forged in a commitment that we will never allow the horrors and atrocities of the last century to be repeated.
"Now we must work together to build a future where the nations of the region are at peace and all of our children can grow and grow up strong and grow up free from terrorism and violence.
"During my travels in recent days I have found new reasons for hope. I have just concluded a visit to Saudi Arabia, where yesterday I met with King Salman and with the leaders from across the Muslim and Arab world. In that visit we reached historic agreements to pursue greater and greater cooperation, in the fight against terrorism and its evil ideology.
"My future travels will take me to visit Pope Francis at the Vatican and then our NATO and European allies.
I am very disappointed that he didn't have the guts to plan to move the embassy, Israel belongs to the Jewish people and it should never be allowed to be divided.