Your Pit Bull son or daughter has unlimited potential for greatness. Set them up, and then set them free to be great Pit Bulls.

"Many ideas grow better when transplanted into another mind than the one where they sprang up." Oliver Wendell Holmes
It seems that excellent and courageous kids are getting harder and harder to find nowadays. More and more, we are seeing less and less of the scrappy little Pit Bull Braveheart's in our schoolyards and playgrounds.
One reason we're seeing a decline of kids with excellent and courageous Pit Bull attitudes is because Pit Bull adults are marrying folks who aren't Pit Bulls. Some Pit Bulls are actually marrying noisy narcissistic Poodles!
For a Pit Bull to marry anything other than a Pit Bull is a stupid mistake. These bizarre unions give birth to offspring that doesn't carry the deep gameness that a solid union of like animals would, so we end up with diluted, weaker specimens because of the mixtures of the different attitudes.
Another reason why we're seeing a decline in Pit bull kids is that Pit Bull parents are getting obsessed with bigger dog houses, better treadmills, fancier chains and flashier collars.
It's not enough to give birth to a little bulldog, Pit Bull Mom and Dad; you must give it constant instruction and love. If you don't love and discipline your kids, you seriously decrease their chances of being champions in the arena.
Raising quality Pit Bull kids is the most important job on the planet. We cannot neglect our Pit Bull kids because of our petty selfishness. If we want a better world then we must train our charges well.
Here are six musts for raising quality Pit Bull children:
1. A Pit Bull sire and dam must love their pups. I'm not just talking about emotionally, but sacrificially. Make sure you hang out with your kids more than you do your yahoo friends. Take them hunting and fishing or wherever you like to go. Get them into sports or something else constructive. Get your and your family's butt up off the couch and into life! Get involved in their world, and let them be involved in yours. Communicate with them. Give them more than just cash and a casa. Give them your time and attention.
2. Bless your Pit Bull pups. Continually speak that which inspires them. Help your pups realize their purpose and destiny. Give them hope. Teach them primary greatness such as integrity, character, faith, passion and tenacity.
Mom and Dad, your little pup is a blank canvas upon which you can paint a Monet or a mess. I suggest the former.
3. Pray for your pups. There is incredible power in prayer. This is not a light thing. All the great Biblical parents prayed for their pups and subsequently produced a greater little bulldog. Invoke God's help for your little ones' well being. Pray for their spiritual, mental, physical and financial prosperity. PRAY AGAINST ALL TEMPTATIONS FOR THEM TO BE A POODLE. Raising Pit Bulls is serious business, and prayer figures greatly in quality formation. Also, find a good Pit Bull-type church.
4. Discipline your bulldogs. Pit Bulls need discipline. They need a strong chain or cable system. If not, they are highly likely to get into trouble. Never beat your pup or verbally abuse it. That's stupid, and if you do that, you need to be put down. It's okay to be very firm, but not in anger-rather in principle, with tough love. Make sure all your discipline is redemptive, not punitive.
5. Give your puppies instruction. Discipline not only entails correction, but also instruction. Don't just blather on about what is wrong and focus on the negative; show them what's right. Walk the talk, Pit Bull Mom and Dad. You can't expect them not to be Poodles when they see you being one. Pit Bull see. Pit Bull do. Instruction is caught, not taught. The impartation of instruction comes via the avenue of direct contact and observation. If you don't want your pups to be Poodle freaks, then you must hang out with them. Read them books that inspire them to independent thinking, action and leadership.
6. Be an available source of supply for your puppies' needs. Spiritually, socially, physically, financially and mentally-be their provider, protector and hero. Make sure you have an arsenal of wisdom, tools and whatever else they need to help them as they prepare to scratch in the pit of life. There will come a time when this particular stage will phase out, but make sure you're there during this crucial aspect of development.
My ClashPoint is this:
The purpose of your leadership is not to have them serve you, but rather you them. Help them. Inspire them to discover, develop and become who God has destined them to be.
Provide every opportunity possible for them to find, follow and finish their unique courses in life.
Set them up, and then set them free to be great Pit Bulls.
And finally, realize that just because you're a Pit Bull doesn't mean
you're a success. Not until you have raised a greater successor-your
pups. Make sure you are there to cause your kids to excel. Make them
independent, powerful and eternal scrappers for that which is just and
dear pastor, may god bless u.
i welcome you to assist my ministry in among the pagans in our area where jesus shoud be proclaimed.
with anticipation
pastor raju.t.s.