Who are you? A rebel? A revolutionary? A subversive element of society? How about a threat to the stability of a nation's ruling regime?

According to a leading spokesperson from Eritrea's Ministry of Information that is exactly what you are if you're involved with Open Doors.
A recent editorial from the Eritrea Ministry of Information specifically notes Open Doors as a voice of Christian propaganda. That's right; you are a part of "radical Christian aggression" against the government of Eritrea. Is there any truth to these outrageous claims? Absolutely! If you have prayed for the more than 1,000 Eritrean Christians who have been imprisoned for their faith, given financially, been involved in the letter writing campaigns, or helped in spreading the word then you are a part of the so called "radical Christian aggression" against a regime that is mercilessly cracking down on a population simply because of their faith. As the editorial claims you have been involved in sponsoring "illegal meetings" of the Eritrean church and are an "enabler, helper, and financer of these illicit activities," for the sake of the Persecuted Christians in Eritrea.
So what do we do now? Fight harder! Press in deeper! Our prayers are being heard and slowly but surely the attention that the 1,000 imprisoned Christians in Eritrea deserve is being gained!
Jesus said that if he was persecuted then as his followers we would
also be persecuted (John 15:20) - and how did Jesus respond - He
continued to speak the Truth and establish the Kingdom. Should we run
and hide? No, not if the Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is truly upon us
to preach the good news to the poor and proclaim freedom for the
captives, to bind up the broken hearted and release from darkness the