Romans 8:28
Paul Calvert reflects on how even when life doesn't go the way we want it to, we should look for the positives.

Today we live in challenging times, who would have believed just 6 weeks ago we would all be on lockdown, that we would have to queue outside our supermarket to get some food, that towns and cities would be empty and like ghost towns, our favourite shops would be closed down.
Who would have thought it? No one would have believed it, but this is reality today.
I am personally so thankful that I have work to do; I can work from
home which is a real blessing. But unfortunately I am in the wrong
country, I should be in Israel right now but I am stuck in England.
But I am not going to complain. I am going to make the most out of
this weird situation.
And to be quite honest I am, I am enjoying the new direction my life
has taken for this short period of time.
I am so thankful for
technology, I think without it many people would have given up on day
one of lockdown.
When I am in Israel I visit a blind lady twice a week, but it's not a problem at the moment because technology is connecting me with her. I call her up via messenger and we talk for an hour via that. Technology found a solution to my geographical problem. Now I can do a virtual visit via messenger.
Every Monday I go to a young adults meeting in Bethlehem, I am part of the Immanuel young adults (no it is not a joke, I am a little older than a young adult, but I am a kid at heart). We play games, sing some worship songs and have bible devotion. Today all church meetings are cancelled, no problem! Technology is bridging the gap. We all get on zoom and connect together, one with each other. We are still able to have our meeting, but we just have to adapt.
I have found myself calling others to see how they are, just listening to their needs and concerns. I am thinking about one person in particular who I used to see every week but we drifted apart a little, now because of the lockdown I am calling him often and he is sharing the difficulties he is facing.
Even though I am not in the country that I really want to be in at the
moment, I am thankful because I am living in a beautiful village very
close to the Lake District. This village has a river running through
it and I love to walk.
The government has allowed us to go out
each day for exercise and I am taking full advantage of that because I
love walking.
I am having a wonderful time exploring the different walks that are
there in the village, meanwhile at the same time praying for my
friends who are struggling in the Holy Land. I feel so blessed that if
I have to go through this difficult situation then I have been allowed
to do it in such a beautiful location.
The nature here is so
wonderful, the buds are out, the flowers are out, the river is
flowing, it is God's amazing creation and I am getting to experience
it every day.
I have taken many photographs of the beautiful plants and flowers, photographed the amazing river, and photographed the sheep and lambs in their fields, what a wonderful creation we live in. When I go on my walk and see nature close at hand you would never know that the whole world is going through such a unique crisis.
It's a matter of perspective and having a positive attitude and mind. No it's not where I want to be or where I should be, but there is nothing I can do about that, so I will enjoy my situation and circumstances because this is where God has placed me for this time. God is in control of my life and he doesn't make mistakes.
Romans 8:28, "And in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."
He knows my character and personality and he has me in exactly the
right place at the right time. What an awesome God we serve.