Julia Fisher looks @ this vital expression of unity

Taking place in London 9-11th February, 2006 ....... this prophetic conference will bring Jews and Arabs from Israel to London to demonstrate God's plan for peace in the Middle East. The conference will be led by David and Karen Davis and Peter Tsukahira. Arab pastor, Yousef Dakwar will also be a speaker. David Davis is the Senior Pastor of Kehilat HaCarmel, a congregation in northern Israel where Jewish and Arab believers meet together. Karen is the worship leader there. Peter Tsukahira works closely with David and Karen and is a Bible teacher.
I asked David to explain the story behind this conference and it's relevance to Christians in the west ....

'Over the past few years several of our friends in Britain have suggested a "One New Man" conference in London. Also, Pastor Peter Tsukahira, who has relationships with the Chinese church in Britain also felt a stirring for such a conference.
We believe the message of the "One New Man" in Messiah is extremely important for the British church at this strategic hour. The biblical understanding of how the true body of Christ was always meant to be Jews and Gentiles "being built together for a dwelling place for God in the Spirit" (Ephesians 2:22), seems to have been lost for centuries. But the revelation and implementation of "one new man" of Jew, Arab and other Gentiles as one body is being restored today.

I believe the two olive trees, ("the sons of fresh oil") "the two anointed ones who stand beside the Lord of the whole earth" (Zechariah 4:14), represent Jews and Gentiles, saved Israel and Gentiles pouring a new anointing into the church in the last days. The Jewish apostle Paul elucidates this great truth very clearly in Romans 11. At Kehilat HaCarmel (Carmel Assembly) we are endeavoring to model and walk out this biblical truth on Mount Carmel today, where Jews, Arabs and Gentiles worship Jesus together, and work together advancing God's Kingdom in Israel.
The Lord's Highway in the Middle East
Also, because of our twelve year relationship and fellowship with primary leaders, pastors and Bible school presidents in Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq and Kuwait, we carry a biblical understanding of the nature of Islam and how God is moving throughout the Middle East. The spiritual highway between "Egypt My people, and Assyria [the above mentioned nations] the work of My Hands, and Israel My inheritance" (Isaiah 19:25) is beginning to be fulfilled today. All these Middle Eastern leaders embrace and teach God's purpose in the restoration and salvation of Israel (Romans 11:24-26), "for the gifts and calling of God are irrevocable" (v. 29). These leaders know that their nations need both olive trees - pure, fresh, new anointing oil - if their national church is to move in the fullness of God's Spirit and purposes in these days.

A New British Mandate
I believe the British church has a new mandate. If a significant number of British leaders and congregations will receive God's heart for the Jews and Israel, and pray, proclaim and participate in their salvation, God would send a desperately needed fresh move of His Spirit to the British church. During the British mandate of Palestine, holocaust historians tell us that Britain turned back perhaps two million Jews and consigned them to Nazi death camps. The salvation of the Jews will mean "life from the dead" (Romans 11:15), not only for Israel but for the Gentile church, who are called to provoke the Jews to jealousy (Rom. 11:11). In the rising tide of what is being called "the new anti-Semitism" in Europe, the British church could take a courageous stand for what is biblically correct, not "politically correct," and bring untold blessing to the British Isles. This has been my prayer for Britain.
Ears to Hear, Hearts to Respond

The conference is for leaders, intercessors, and all believers who have an interest in what God is doing in the Middle East. You won't hear it or see it on the BBC or CNN. But we are coming - Jew, Arab and Gentiles to testify what we have seen and heard on the ground in Israel and the surrounding Muslim nations. Arab pastor Yousef Dakwar will share how Jesus turned a heart of hatred toward the Jews to one of love, and how he is being blessed because of this transformation. My Jewish wife Karen, the worship leader of our "one new man" worship team will testify how she as a Jew could never consider Jesus because of what Christians had done to her people. A Gentile woman who provoked Karen to jealousy led her to a life-changing encounter with her Messiah.
Weighed in the Balance
What will the British church do? What will you do? "The blood libel" - the lie that Jews kill non-Jewish children to make matzah for Passover - began in Britain, swept across Europe, caused untold torture and death to thousands of Jews for centuries, and now has been popularized in Muslim books, newspapers, websites, schools and television. Will the British church become a fresh olive tree standing "beside the Lord of the whole earth?" Come and join us and let's cry out for Britain, Israel and Islam together.'
David Davis, Senior Pastor
Kehilat HaCarmel
I truly bless God for what you are doing, bringing Jews Arabs and others together. This is the core thing that is in the mind of the Lord and this vision will facilitate His coming. May the Holy Spirit give you more grace foe this great vision, please keep me inform. ThanksR