JJ Heller on finding peace in Jesus

I've had a few seasons in my life when I could almost tangibly feel the presence of God and nearly hear his audible voice. It was like I could reach out and touch him. There was a specific moment in college when God felt so near that I remember thinking that I would never again doubt His existence or His faithfulness.
But then life wears on. It ebbs and flows through joy, pain and the inevitability of growing older and hopefully growing up. And even though God never leaves, he can't always be felt. This is particularly hard when there's loss.
I want him to give me the game plan; to tell me the future, but mostly
he doesn't. When it comes down to it, I think I want answers, but what
I need is peace. And the only place to find that peace is in Jesus
Himself. Sometimes all I have to hold onto is his promise that he is
there with me through all of it, whether I feel his presence or not. I
have the assurance that he is good, faithful and kind. He is my
missing peace.