What Happens After Death Part 4
Continued from page 1
The reply came, THEY HAVE THE BIBLE! LET THEM HEAR WHAT THAT HAS TO SAY TO THEM! But the former rich man said, Oh, no, no! They won't listen! But they would if one returned to them from the dead. Yes, they'd repent.
The reply came to him, If they will not listen to the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, they will not be persuaded even when Jesus rises from the dead!
What Happens After Death
What questions do you think worry the general public? We saw that from a sample of 5,000 non-churchgoers, when asked: 'If you could ask God any questions except any on the Bible, what would they be?' eighty-one per cent wanted to know about things after death. They are concerned about it and don't forget that young people and middle-aged people die as well as old people.
Their own questions were these:
- What is heaven like?
- What happens when we die?
- How do you decide who goes to heaven?
Only nineteen per cent asked other questions. Is this surprising in this sceptical age? In spite of unbelief constantly pumped out on the media, people all over the world would like assurance about conditions after they die. I was told this story.
A senator in the Australian Parliament was strongly averse to being approached with the gospel of Christ. One day he realised he had a malignant growth in one of his ears. His wealth and medical treatment were of no avail and he became confined to bed. When visited he said, 'Oh Mr B, I hope God will not forsake me.' Mr B placed his arm about his spent frame and said, 'He will not for-sake you, senator, if you place your trust in him.'
He read a few verses from Psalm 103 to him, 'Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth those that fear him. For he knoweth our frame, he remembereth that we are dust.'
'Read that again,' said the senator, which Mr B did, and then he asked him to kneel and pray for him. At the conclusion of the prayer, he raised his arms and said, 'Now I place all my trust in him.'
He enjoyed peace for the remainder of his earthly life.
Heaven Is Beautiful
There was a paediatrician whose duty was to sit by a child aged five who was dying of leukaemia. Instead of it being a heart-rending strain, it turned out to be a glimpse of glory. The child sat up just before she died and said, 'Mummy, what lovely music, and all those angels singing! Oh, how happy it is and how beautiful. The music, lovely, lovely!'
We have had so many stories sent in by listeners to my programmes of children with similar experiences. It seems that Jesus, with his great love for children, relieves their suffering with special visions of joy.
A little boy was knocked down in a motor accident. He suffered from a fractured skull and severe concussion. The doctors gave a hopeless prognosis and said that if he recovered, which was most unlikely, he 'would only be a cabbage'.
His parents, however, who were strong of faith, called in many friends and prayed continuously day and night for his recovery and healing. After several days, the boy regained consciousness much to the surprise of the doctors, and was discharged from hospital. Later, he told his mother that he had a dream that he had died and went to heaven. He said it was a beautiful place and that Jesus came to meet him, welcomed him and had a place for him, but after a while he said that although he was ready for him, he had changed his mind and would let him go back home. He made a rapid and complete recovery.
First published in Miracles & Angels, Dr E K Victor