The Second World War Miracles Part 3
Continued from page 1
Lord Tovey told the story at the parish hall of the Church of the High Seas, St Dunstan's, Stepney Green, where he handed over to the rector the flag he flew in the action.
The capital letters above are as printed in the Daily Sketch. According to Everyman's Encyclopaedia, 1978, 'The action was a triumph of co-ordinated movement'.
The Miracle of the Fog
General Morgan referred to other miracles great or local which others reported. Here is one concerning a platoon in the American General Patton's Third Army. It is from a soldier's letter to his mother, who lived in Pleasantville, New Jersey. His name was Joel; he was six foot four inches and weighed 215 lb. Facing the enemy in Luxembourg, he braved everything they could fire at him and his platoon.
He and the fifty men of his platoon were in real danger. They were working in observation lines, and in a few patrols.
One of my best friends, Tom, with his whole platoon were pinned down by mortar and artillery fire. They were given the order to move but they couldn't because the enemy had full view of them from a hill and were zeroing their fire on them accurately. Tom is the most conscientious Christian boy I have ever met in the services. He knew something had to be done to save the fifty men. He crawled from his foxhole and looked things over. Seeing the hopelessness of the situation, he laid down behind a tree and prayed earnestly for God to help him. This is true mother . . . after he prayed a mist or fog rolled down between the two hills, and the whole platoon got out of their foxholes and escaped. They reorganized in a little town behind the lines where there was a church building. They all went in and knelt down to pray and thank the Lord, and then they asked Tom to take the service. This is true mother, and it just shows how much prayer can mean. If that was not an answer to prayer, I don't know what is. You can bet Tom is respected by his buddies.
The mother reported that both Joel and Tom had an experience with the Lord - that's when they received his salvation and came to know him personally.
First published in Miracles & Angels, Dr E K Victor