John 10:10
Hannah Latty on how to live the full life God has for each of us.

In John 10:10 Jesus continues, 'The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me just as the Father knows me and I know the Father and I lay down my life for the sheep'.
Life is such a gift! Jesus said that He came to bring life - life to the full. As we read this scripture, we're encouraged to look at our lives and ask; "Do we know Him, do we know His voice!? Are we listening to His voice? Are we living life to the full? What does your life look like? Do your choices reflect heaven?"
Since starting to lead worship in my early teens, I have been passionate about worship not just being about singing, but serving God in everything we do, say and think; being who we're meant to be and doing what we're created to do. This is a constant challenge to us.
Perhaps you've had dreams in the past about what God is calling you to
- perhaps you're doing it in part - or even in full now. If we are
truly worshipping God with everything we are and everything we have
then our time should look like living life to the full! Don't
misunderstand me, being busy is sometimes the opposite of this! Busy
sometimes means empty not full! I'm asking if we are using our gifting
and skills to glorify Him?
Some of our gifts aren't used
every season, but we can trust God that He will align us to use our
skills at the appointed time.
I am grateful to be able to use my gift as a singer-songwriter (found
under Hannah 'Atkins') and
my passion for community living and social justice. Sometimes these
seem separate, but sometimes they come together. God gave my husband
and I a passion for coming alongside refugees and asylum seekers. We
hosted asylum seekers for many years whilst living in Manchester
through The Boaz
Trust. Since moving to be part of the leadership at Ashburnham
Place, we have set up ESCAFA, working with Syrian families in East
Sussex. Last month I had the privilege of performing at Festival By
The Lake, a festival celebrating refugees in East Sussex. Over 900
people gathered at Ashburnham Place. It's wonderful when we give God
our gifts, skills and passions to use for Him! Life to the full is
never boring!
Another passion of mine is to pursue the
supernatural power of God in everyday life. Learning to hear His voice
and acting upon it. We have a hot-line to our Creator and it's crazy
if we don't use it! When Jesus talks about His sheep knowing His voice
in John 10, it means just that. We can enjoy the word of God through
scripture and the now word of God through the prophetic, dreams,
visions, and through our senses and more. I value the quiet and
peaceful whispers of the Holy Spirit daily. Knowing His voice has made
life an adventure, not just helpful in the huge life-direction
decisions, or when He has asked me to pray for healing for strangers,
but in everyday life too. Supernatural can be normal; that's how I
believe God designed us.
Decide today when you might take time to step back and prayerfully take an overview of your life. Listen to Him and ask Him about all of your commitments. Which ones bring His Kingdom to Earth and what distracts you from life to the full? Look at your relationships and bring them to Him too.
I pray this simple prayer each day myself and with my kids and this is
my prayer for you today too, "Lord God we give to you this day.
May it be aligned to Your heavenly way. Amen." May you be
completely aligned to Him and live a wonderful life, to the full.