K.P. Westmoreland adjusts our perspective

Most of us have experienced a tiny hand grabbing hold of ours. Many of us have been blessed to witness the look in the eyes of a child as they looked deeply into ours. And some of us have been the recipient of the unspoken language of a child who has said, "Hold me," with nothing more than hands lifted high.
On my recent trip to Haiti I learned a valuable lesson from the Lord through the children. I stood on the rocky, dry ground surrounded by hundreds of children who clamored for a chance to get hold of my hand, or touch my skin, or be lifted up above the crowd for a new perspective on the world. I witnessed the excitement and the self-worth flood these children as they realized I had singled them out and looked them directly in their eyes.
As I stood in the middle of this crowd of overly-excited third-world children, I sensed God speak to me, "I came for the least of these." I stood there thinking to myself, "I know. That's why I'm letting them hold my hands and I'm picking them up - so I can make them feel special and loved." That's when I realized He was talking about me. In the middle of all these children who hadn't had enough to eat, weren't very clean, and had every reason to be angry and hurt, I saw Jesus in their faces every time they smiled. Every time they squealed with excitement, I heard Jesus express His complete joy.
And here I am standing in their midst convinced that because I had plenty to eat, money in pocket, spoke English and was placed in middle-class America by God Himself, that they were the "least of these" spoken of in the Bible, not me. Through these children, God reminded me that I, too, am the "least of these," and He came to give love and life to us all equally no matter what gender, color, social status or economic position.
I went to Haiti to give these children what I did not possess, and
they ended up giving me more than they knew they could offer.
I was in Haiti and worked at a school and orphanage in July and experienced being with some of the children of Haiti. I always try to give, help or do for those who ask or need, wherever I am, because we never know in whose face we will see the face of Jesus.