Israel Update for October 2007
Continued from page 3
Palestinian terrorists brutally murdered the head of the Gaza Strip Bible Society in early October. Rami Ayyad, 31, was the father of two children, with a third on the way. His mutilated body, which had been repeatedly stabbed and his skull crushed, was found in Gaza City, where he ran a Christian bookshop that had come under earlier attack from Muslim radicals.
They vow to drive out or kill all Arab Christians who refuse to immediately convert to Islam.
Later in the month, arsonists set a church on fire in Jerusalem, but did little damage. The original Narkiss Street Baptist Church building was destroyed in a raging fire in the early 1980s by suspected Orthodox Jewish arsonists. Fire officials said the recent blaze was set in three locations by arsonists who broke into the Christian facility during the night of October 23. The church premises are currently used by several congregations, including one large Messianic group that meets there on Saturday evenings.
With violence of all kinds gripping the troubled Middle East and
indeed the entire world, it is so good to proclaim that "The Lord
reigns, He is clothed with majesty! The Lord has clothed and girded
Himself with strength; indeed the world is firmly established, it will
not be moved." (Psalm 93:1)