Genesis 1, Ephesians 1: 4

Check out Genesis 1 and take a few moments to think as you read:
God is awesome and powerful yet so intimate.
He created the heavens and the earth. He spoke and there was light, the waters were separated to form the sky and the seas were pushed into place. Dry ground appeared and vegetation began to grow. The sun and moon, the stars and the planets were put in place. Living creatures were formed and given life. With a word God spoke each of these things into place.
Then came the finishing touch to God's creation - mankind. He formed the man from the dust of the ground then breathed into his nostrils and the man became a living being!
How awesome yet how intimate is that?
This is the God who lives in us. The one who is so powerful yet wants such intimacy with us.
Ephesians 1: 4
'For He chose us in Him, (in Christ), before the
creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight.'
If you choose something, you spend time thinking and deciding exactly what you want. When you go to buy some jeans you don't run into a shop, grab the first pair you see, pay for them, run out of the shop and then look in the bag to see what you have bought. If you're like me you go to loads of shops, try on loads of pairs and then end up buying the first pair you tried on in the first shop you went in! Why? You want to make sure you get exactly what you want.
This is what God did with you and me. He spent time, before creation, thinking about us. When we were going to be alive, what we would look like, the family, the skills, gifts and talents we would have. The call and purpose for our lives. How He wants us to be part of what he is doing in our communities, our generation and our nation. He chose you and me to know Him. He picked each of us out by hand to have an intimate relationship with the living God.
Take a few moments to thank Him and worship Him.
Your life is in Christ. He has made you holy because He is in you. You are blameless because He is in you. When the Father looks at you, he sees Christ in you. Because of Jesus you can come boldly into His presence and know Him intimately. What an amazing God we know and serve. What love He has for us.
Take this life to others who don't have it yet. Have a fantastic day.