Jeremiah 1:5

Day 2. If I was the devil .
I'd make you a victim.not a victor
The Devil loves to turn people into victims- 'people who think they have no power to change their life' - this the 'victim mentality.'
When the 'victim mentality' is translated to life it sounds like this:
I can't do this because I've never been able to do it before.
It's just too hard.
Everybody says that about me.
It's not
It always happens to me.
I can't because (excuse,
excuse, excuse).
There are three decisions you need to make to help you overcome the victim mentality.
1. Choose to believe God has a great life for you.
In Jeremiah 1: 5 it says,
"Before I formed you in the womb I
knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you."
What an awesome verse!
Who did the forming? God! Who did the
knowing? God! Who did the setting apart? God! Who appointed you?
When did He do it? Before you were in the womb!
amazing to think that God planned for your life to be awesome - even
before you were a twinkle in your parents eyes! So the next time you
are frustrated with life - remember God planned great things for you
even before your problems cropped up & nothing can stand in the
way of God's purposes for your life - you've just got to believe it!
2. Refuse to live in the 'Circle of no control!'
There are many things you are not in control of! The weather, people's
reactions, your country of origin, world politics, other people's
behaviour patterns, even your parents! And yet its amazing how often
we can spend time whinging about the things we have no power to
change! Don't live in that realm - That's called the circle of 'No -
The 'circle of control' includes - Your decisions,
actions, attitudes and mindsets!
Teach yourself to spend time
evaluating, processing & changing things that you are in control
of - and leave the things you are not in control of to God! That is a
'stress-free' plan for life!
3. Choose God!
In Psalm 18:16-19, it says: "He (God) reached down from on high and
took hold of me, He drew me out of deep waters. He rescued me from my
powerful enemy.the Lord was my support!" In verse 35 it continues and
says ".you (God) stooped down to make me great!"
WOW! God reaches
down to you! He stretches out His hand to you to pick you up because
He wants to make you great! How awesome is that?
He rescued you
to make you great! Make the choice to live for God and blank the
PRAYER: Dear God, Thank you that I'm a winner in you. I can be bold and confident each day, because you have made me victor, and not a victim. Help me to choose to stay in the 'circle of Control' & to live fixed on your plans & purposes for me. Amen.
Devotion extract taken from the book, "If I was the Devil". Written by
Glyn Barrett. Published by Sovereign World, ISBN 1852404035. £4.99