Matthew 22: 37-40

In a world where we're taught to live for ourselves and acquire as
much as we can, Jesus' words run against the grain of 21st Century
He was asked by a lawyer what is the greatest
commandment. Verse 35 tells us that this man was trying to test Jesus
like many did. Verse 46 tells us that no-one tested Him after that
time, becuase they couldn't answer his challenging questions.
Jesus was not afraid of the difficult questions - why, because He had
a solid, unshakable relationship with His Father. In these verses
Jesus gives us the keys to life if we could just listen to them and
follow their wisdom.
Jesus said to him - You shall love
the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with
all your mind (Deuteronomy 6 v 5) and You shall love your neighbour as
yourself (Lev 19 v 18). On these two commandments hang all the law and
the prophets.
There it is !!!
If you're
looking for a mission statement in life that will keep you focused,
there it is.
If you're looking for advice in a given situation,
there it is.
If you're looking to be a Christian, here's a
measure !!!
Love God and love your neighbour.
Jesus spends time talking throughout the gospels how we do these things in more detail.
We should know that practically speaking loving God and your neighbour
is not just a feeling in our heart, they both involve following His
word and obeying His commandments, and that loving your neighbour
carries with it the responsibility of care, compassion and looking
after one anothers needs - something the early church were very good
at (Acts 2 v 45)
Christianity is not the attendance of a
meeting or a title, Jesus explained it and showed it through the
loving care and compassion He had for people and told us to do
likewise. In our culture is this not the same - to feed the poor,
visit the sick and those in prison, to care for the elderly and those
amongst us who are disadvantaged - these things are the gospel as much
as the preaching of the word.
In our lives and churches we
must maintain a balance of all kinds of ministry, not majoring on
preaching without having any social action.
Take this into
your heart and lets ensure that 21st century Christianity is not a
talking head but that its more renowned for its caring, love and
compassion that its called to be.
Live to serve !!