John 8: 31-32

Matthew 7: 21-23
(further scripture references John 14: 7, 15,
21-24, John 15: 7-8)
Theres a few musts in life,
absolutes, things that we just have to say "you have to do this or the
consequences are catastrophic"
As Christians we're
recommended to do things all the time, by friends, from the front of a
service, but we cannot afford to take lightly the word of God. We must
take it literally!
There's hundreds of occasions where God
lays out commands, which for Christians are not optional extras,
they're essentials ! Here's a couple, and for me scriptures like these
set the standard of what it is to be a Christian.
John 8:
31 says "If you abide in my word you are my disciples." The word
disciple strongly involves following, so does the word abiding. Jesus
says if you say that you're following me you must follow what my word
says, live by it!!
I challenge young Christians all the
time if you dare to say you're a Christian this is a benchmark.
Similarly and more scarily Jesus said in Matthew 7: 22 "many
will say to me we casted out demons in your name, prophesied, and did
many wonders in your name" and Jesus replies "depart from me I never
knew you, you who practice lawlessness"
"Many" means that
there will be a lot of people who thought they were doing the right
thing but never made it.
So how do we ensure that we are
not part of the many. The second part of Matthew 7: 21 gives us the
answer "but he who does the will of my Father in Heaven." How do you
do that? You follow Him, you know Him, you obey His commands (you
abide in His word).
Daniel 11: 32 says those that know
their God shall be strong and do great expolits!
The key
is all about knowing Jesus !!
If Jesus came around to your
house would you have to ask Him how many sugars He took. Those that
walk with Him know Him well, what His will is, what He would want to
do if He showed up at your house, in the same way that you know how
many sugars your best friend does or doesn't take.
Him and live !!