Shell Perris encourages us to not give up

Have you ever asked any big, scary questions about God? Who is God? Does he really exist? If God does exist, where is he? Before I was a Christian, I used to ask those sort of questions. Sometimes it's okay to ask questions like that because I believe that God can use them to help you grow in your friendship with him and reach a stage where you know him better! When Jesus died on the cross he asked God, 'Why? Why are you doing this to me? Why have you left me alone?' If Jesus was God's perfect Son and he could ask questions like that, I'm pretty sure that we can too!
In the Bible (Judges 6:36-40) God had promised a man called Gideon that he would help him save Israel. Gideon doubted what God had said to him. So Gideon asked God to prove to him that what he had said was true by doing something that Gideon knew only God could do. You see...even Gideon went through a time when he was in doubt.
As you grow up, you gain more responsibility and you will find that you have more things to think about. My advice to you is this - always look to God for everything you need. As soon as you start thinking that you can do it on your own, that's when you start getting into trouble.
I want to tell you something. Some of you may be reading this and think that God doesn't want you anymore because you've made a decision to become a Christian in the past and you're no longer living the life. You have got caught up in things that you know you shouldn't be caught up in and you think God won't take you back. God wants you to know that you're wrong and that he will always love you and he will always want you. NO MATTER WHAT.
Everyone goes through times of doubt. You can be certain of the most certain thing in the world and you will doubt it, even it's just for a second, because that's the way the human mind works. What you need to do is learn what to do in those times of doubt. Will you be swept away by it or will you stand strong and work your way through it? I know which one I would you?
Have you ever doubted God? Was there any particular thing or situation that caused you to doubt God? Has knowing that everyone doubts at some stage helped you? If you still doubt God, why don't you do what Gideon did and ask God to show you in some way that he is real.
For extra reading read Psalm 13:1-4
Hi, isn't it true that sometimes commonsense thing dun have to ask God becos He has already given. Am i right to say that it is not in everything that we ask God?