Ephesians 6: 19-21

(also read from v10)
If you haven't already noticed yet
I'm a big fan of making the most of this life we have. So far in these
studies we've talked about running your race well (5 July) and
faithfulness (2 Aug) and this week is no different we're going to talk
about something else you can do to make sure you become a
The other week I was asked who was one of
your favourite heroes from the past.
The person I thought of was
renowned for his sharp wit. On one occasion a lady approached him and
said "Sir, if you were my husband I'd poison your tea," his instant
reply was "Madam if you were my wife I'd drink it" On another occasion
a different lady said of him "Sir, I perceive you're drunk" his reply
was "Yes, and you're ugly and in the morning I'll be sober"
His wit wasn't his greatest asset in my opinion, he was also famous
for his bulldog spirit. A man that was determined to succeed in his
generation. Winston Churchill. It was that mans leadership that was
key to Britains success in World War 2.
He once gave a
speech to a London boys college. He got up before the packed room of
boys, opened his notebook and began to speak saying, "Never," then he
paused and said again, "Never," then again, "Never",and again and
again "Never, Never, Never, Never, Never, Never, Never, Never, Never,"
until after a few minutes of saying it over and over had passed, he
finished by saying " Never give up " Then he closed his notebook and
sat down. It was that determined spirit that we need to resemble in
our Christianity. Winston showed by his lifestyle that he was not
prepared to put up with the tyrany of his time but to stand for what
he believed in.
Every generation has to stand up for what
is right, to put an end to injustice. You need to make a stand against
the wiles of the devil by having an attitude of no compromise
Christianity. Armour yourself with useful tools - truth,
righteousness, the gospel of peace, above all - faith, salvation and
the word.
We're in a generation where these tools are not
optional extras but essentials for effective Christian life !!!!