Paul Calvert spoke with Nizar Shaheen, Founder and President of Light For All Nations, about the impact of their work and why the medium of TV is important in Arab nations.
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Finally I surrendered and accepted Jesus, but not only accepting Him, but I decided from that moment to follow Him and serve Him for the rest of my life.
Paul: So you were born in a Christian family, but you weren't actually a Christian?
Nizar: Yes, I was born in a Christian family, but they were not believers at all. That's why when he asked me about Jesus I had no clue; I had no idea what he meant with his question.
Paul: Why do you do what you do?
Nizar: Because my heart is to win souls, to bring precious souls to Jesus Christ; because there is something more important in life than body, or drinking, eating, or achieving all kinds of things.
I tried as a young man many things, I tried politics, but it did not work out. I tried to live a life for myself, a sinful life, let me put it in this way, but really it led me into more emptiness and more loneliness. I tried sports, and I became a professional boxer in the Galilee and still it did not satisfy my heart. Nothing really can fill me or satisfy my heart, but when I became a believer, a follower of Jesus Christ, I understood the importance. There is something more important than living in this life, this is the eternal life and that is why I exist, to tell about Jesus and to bring people literally from darkness to light, from death to life and to give them hope of salvation through Jesus Christ.
Paul: What is your prayer for the Middle East?
Nizar: I pray for the unity of the Church, because unity will bring strength and power for reflecting the image of Jesus in our life. I pray for peace, but the peace of Jesus, because it seems the peace that they are trying to do it in different ways is not working. I pray that the Church will catch the vision and to tell people about Jesus, to win people to Christ. I pray that the Church will be strengthened and encouraged, especially the persecuted Church in the Middle East and North Africa.
Paul: If anyone has questions, you have a lot of material on your website, what is your website address?
Nizar: My website address is