A Christian occupational therapist has been disciplined for praying for a Muslim colleague, despite being encouraged by the colleague to talk about her faith.
Victoria Wasteney, Head of Occupational Therapy at the East London NHS trust, prayed for the newly-qualified Muslim worker after she expressed concerns about her health. When Victoria offered to pray with her, she willingly agreed and replied, "OK".
But in June 2013, the colleague raised a complaint against Victoria, who was called before the Associate Director of Therapies the next day and suspended for nine months pending an investigation.
The colleague had never complained to her personally and had always initiated discussions about Victoria's faith.
"I would have stopped praying immediately if I had thought I was distressing her in any way but faith was openly discussed and encouraged and welcomed by the Complainant," Victoria said.
A disciplinary hearing ruled that Victoria was 'guilty' of three offences: praying for her colleague, inviting her to church charity events, and giving her a Christian book entitled 'I dared to call him Father' - the story of a Muslim girl who had converted to Christianity. Victoria had given the Complainant the book just before she was due to go into hospital for treatment.
The ruling against Victoria was made despite the fact that the Complainant failed to attend the disciplinary hearing and one of the witnesses had said he was pressured into making statements against her.
"I fear I may have been entrapped by a colleague who encouraged me to
discuss my faith, who willingly agreed that I could pray for her and
who even accepted an invitation to a church charity event," Victoria
She added that Christian groups are required to fit
around managerial arrangements in the Trust whereas, by contrast,
joint staff and service-user Muslim fellowship meetings are always
facilitated, regardless of any staffing issues.
"There is undoubtedly a pattern of inequality of treatment of
Christians and Muslims in the NHS. Regardless of allocated break
times, Muslim staff can pray five times a day, which I am not
objecting to, but Christians are often denied time off on Sundays or
permission to take breaks during their lunchtime for prayer or
religious worship," she said.
Victoria is bringing her
Appeal under the Equality Act 2010 for discrimination and harassment
on grounds of religion or belief.
She is supported in her Appeal by the Christian Legal Centre. Standing Counsel to the Christian Legal Centre, leading Human Rights barrister, Paul Diamond, will represent her.
Andrea Williams, Chief Executive of the Christian Legal Centre,
commented: "The NHS was founded and inspired by Christian principles
and precepts. Such heritage meant that the NHS was a model of how to
deliver health care across the world; a place of safety, care, freedom
and flourishing. Sadly, this case, along with others, demonstrates
that today's climate in the NHS is increasingly dominated by a
political correctness, and a lack of freedom to live out and manifest
Christian belief."
If she's not allowed the freedom to express her Christian faith in her own country which appears to fall over backwards to allow others Religious liberty that is political incorrectness and bias and has nothing to do with health-rather fear and oppression.
Can the NHS not be taken to a humanitarian court of law for their negative judgements against Christians. There is obvious victimisation against them in this report? Either accept all faiths or none. I would prefer to see a place for health be for this purpose only. Those who are taking time out for prayers should be penalised as smokers are. This is unfair to other employees. Either support ALL faiths or stop any form of religious practise within a place of work!
[report abuse]