Genesis 1:26

Inertia: "The resistance of a body to changes in its momentum. Because of inertia, a body at rest remains at rest and a body in motion continues moving in a straight line and at a constant speed, unless a force is applied to it. Mass can be considered a measure of a body's inertia."
I would like to think that when it comes to embracing change, I am the world's most welcoming and enthusiastic person going. I love new adventures, I easily get bored with routine and I like being exposed to new challenges. But I have realized that I am not as abandoned to change as I would like to be.
As the physics definition above points out, the longer the body remains in the same place, travelling at the same speed in the same direction, the greater the inertia or resistance to change will be. Now, this can be a positive thing. When you create positive habits or practices in your life such as praying each day, having breakfast, being quick to say sorry or give forgiveness, the longer you keep it up, the harder it will be change direction in that practice.
But, it can also be a negative thing in that we create a sense of safety in our familiarity. It's not that our sense of safety or comfort is based upon knowing what we are doing regularly is right for that time, but on the sense of familiarity or routine itself.
My wife Sarah works in a prison helping inmates to get back into work when they have served their sentence. One of the sad realities of her job is seeing people when released, recommit crimes and ending up back inside. When she asks them what happened, some of them say that even though they don't like being in prison, they couldn't cope with the way things had changed on the 'outside', or that the sense of freedom was overpowering. Some people really struggle to survive outside of prison because of their chaotic circumstances. They don't like being locked up, but are willing to trade in their freedom for the security of the routine that they will face inside.
Although we may find this strange, we can exist like this without even knowing it. Prepared to maintain our existence of current experiences and opportunities because we value the comfort that the routine brings.
Journalist Ellen Goodman notes that, "We cling to even the minor routines with an odd tenacity. We're upset when the waitress who usually brings us coffee in the breakfast shop near the office suddenly quits and are disoriented if the Chemists or the Off Licence in the community closes. . . . We each have a litany of holiday rituals and everyday habits that we hold on to and we often greet radical innovation with the enthusiasm of a baby meeting a new sitter."
But God is calling us to be radical and innovative. He is the greatest all time creator in the universe. He is the creator of the universe.
Genesis 1:26 (message) God spoke: "Let us make human beings in our image, make them reflecting our nature".
Part of God's nature is to create, to bring into being things that are not yet and we share the same nature. It's not just that we have the ability should the need arise; we fulfill part of our existence as we create.
We sometimes put people into boxes like 'the creative types'. Always fiddling with something, sticking a needle through something or throwing exotic ingredients together. But we all have the ability to create. We just need to stop comparing ourselves to others and celebrate the personalities and talents that God has given us.
Many people decide to make big changes in their lives on the stroke of midnight of New Years Eve*. A massive proportion of those don't manage to see those decisions through. So what are the reasons why?
- Limiting beliefs - Beliefs control all of your behaviors. If you don't change these nothing will change. If you believe you'll fail and keep telling yourself that, you will find it hard to succeed. Focus on God's promises to you, not day to day feelings.
- No strong reason why. Most people get started with the when or the how but what matters most is the why. Membership of health and fitness clubs quadruple in January. Most people stop going by March. The only reason why they joined, was because it was something they resolved to do on a whim at 11.59pm on December 31st. If you're going to try and change something, you need to know why you are trying to change it. Reflect upon how making a change will improve your life and the lives of others. Your choice to start or change something new could result in someone's life and eternal destiny being changed forever.
- Not knowing your values. We need to move in line with the things that are most important to us. If the reason you are doing something isn't important to you, if it doesn't align with your values, it will be hard to stay motivated.
- No vision. What will success look, sound and feel like say a year from now? Most sabotage their New Year's Resolutions by not creating a crystal clear picture of their future success and playing it back over and over again inside their head.
- No clearly defined goal. If your goal is wishy washy your results will be too. Which is best: "I want to lose lots of blubber" or "I will be my ideal weight of 12st by 1st August by losing 3oz a day"? Look for 'quick wins' to create momentum - relatively easily accomplishable goals.
- Not involving others. There is no successful person on the planet who has achieved anything on their own. Life is a team game. There is no place in God's Kingdom for 'My Vision'
- Not taking personal responsibility. I know it's hard to believe but you got yourself into this mess and until you take personal responsibility to get out of it you will be forever stuck in the mire blaming everyone but yourself for your misfortune. Don't wait for others to take action. Start the ball rolling.
- Not taking massive action. "After all is said and done more is said than done." Need I say more.
- No measurement of results. 'Feedback is the breakfast of champions' - (whatever that means). If you don't regularly monitor and measure your progress, get quality feedback and develop flexibility on the journey towards your goal you will never reach it. Even if your goal or vision is really simple, (I want to save £50), evaluate how well you are doing along the way.
- Not taking time to celebrate the little wins along the way. If you don't break your goal down into bite sized chunks and give yourself a little pat on the back every time you enjoy progress, no matter how small, you will feel overwhelmed and under motivated.
*By the way, New Year's eve is a rubbish time to decide to change your life for the better. The one and only reason you have for doing it then is that it's a tradition. This was first started by the Babylonians who celebrated New Year's Day over four thousand years ago, although their celebration was in March rather than in January, coinciding with the spring planting of crops.
What changes might God be asking you to make in your life?