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Father Ignatius: Yes in the year 1980 - 82 we had someone from the Rockefeller museum in Jerusalem who started excavation for five years. They found ruins from all these monasteries, from the 4th-7th Centuries and a huge church that was built by Justinian the emperor. They also found ruins from another church, which was built by the patriarch of Jerusalem. They found mosaics and signs written in the old Greek language from the 5th Century and the 7th Century; ruins from the tower of flocks referred to in the book of Genesis and ruins from the rooms from all these monasteries and all these century's. It's a great history.
Paul: You also have a garden here with many olive trees in it. Do many of these olive trees date back a long time?
Father Ignatius: We have about 200 olive trees; some of them are about 2100 years old, which means that they were planted before the birth of Jesus. We take care of them so that they will live longer. Even now they give oil and olives. We have a great garden. Most of the trees are new, but yes those olive trees they are so old.
Paul: What's it like for you being here and ministering to the people of Beit Sahour?

Father Ignatius: It's a great blessing to be in this holy place and to every day explain to the tourists the history of this place, which is a place of peace and the place where the message of peace was given. Even though many centuries have passed, the people can understand that it is a holy place and it gives the message of peace and love to the world.
Paul: How do people celebrate Christmas in Beit Sahour?
Father Ignatius: Like everywhere; like in Europe. We celebrate Christmas here with the old calendar, which means we have Christmas on 6th January. I believe here it is brighter; people understand and they feel more joy and happiness because they celebrate Christmas so near to Bethlehem where Jesus was born.
I believe the pilgrims that come during Christmas time feel the message of Christmas and they live every moment and every prayer and they enjoy visiting any place around the Bethlehem area. They also like visiting Beit Sahour and the city of Beit Jala.
There is a monastery near by, which is the place the three wise men stayed when they left Bethlehem to return back to Persia. There is a cave they stayed in one day and one night and they returned back to their country, so all the area here is considered holy. It's very important and very unique, but for someone to understand he has to visit and come and see.
Paul: In the West we eat turkey at Christmas. Do they have the same here?
Father Ignatius: They have turkey here. They decorate Christmas trees and also the streets are decorated with Christmas trees and I see that the Arab Christian people they also celebrate like everywhere in America and Europe. They follow the same customs in the area of celebration.
Paul: Does it snow here in Beit Sahour?
Father Ignatius: Very rarely. We had snow here about 10 years ago and a few Christmases ago, but not so much, because the weather here is so warm and the winters are so mild.
Paul: What's your prayer for the people of Beit Sahour this Christmas time?
Father Ignatius: Our prayer is that the people will be happy. We
struggle for peace, but even though it is difficult, we never lose
hope. Our work is always to pray and to give the message of peace and
hope to people and we hope that one day all of us will live in
harmony. That will happen in heaven, but we also want life here on
earth to be peaceful too. It is so difficult; the unemployment, no
work, so we at the monastery try to help people to understand and feel
the message, not only the message of Christmas but in any celebration,
even when we celebrate Easter, we try to give the message of happiness
and joy to all the people.
Hey. I hope you are doing well Father Igantius. This is Paraskevi's son Christos from Canada Ontario. I'm always trying to find you on the web so that I can share pictures or videos with my mother, but it is so hard to achieve this haha. I know you are a very busy man and I hope all is well at the monastery you at. If there is any way you can maybe send a Christmas card with maybe a message for my mother that would be amazing. It would really make her Christmas :) thank you so much for reading this. I hope you do read it. God Bless you and I wish you a Merry Christmas. Christ being born is one of the biggest miracles on earth. And that's what Christmas should be only about. The Nativity.