1 Samuel 10:20-22
Mark Scholtz considers the importance of getting rid of everything that can hinder us in the pursuit of our destiny.

'So Samuel brought all the tribes of Israel before the Lord, and the tribe of Benjamin was chosen by lot. Then he brought each family of the tribe of Benjamin before the Lord, and the family of the Matrites was chosen. And finally Saul son of Kish was chosen from among them. But when they looked for him, he had disappeared! So they asked the Lord, "Where is he?" And the Lord replied, "He is hiding among the baggage."' (1 Samuel 10:20-22)
The day came when Samuel called all Israel together to officially crown Saul as king, but Saul was "hiding among the baggage!" Saul was the last person in Israel who should have had a bad self-esteem. He was head and shoulders above anyone else! He was the most handsome man around! He was the Israeli version of Ken, but a bearded Ken. I'm sure he had a Barbie on his arm too!
Saul had everything going for him. He had been anointed with oil and had incredible prophetic confirmations of his destiny. An earlier passage reveals that God had given him a brand new heart.
Why was he hiding in the baggage? Why was he hiding from his destiny? They brought him out and he was crowned king, but the physical baggage Saul hid in was symbolic of the spiritual baggage that he carried with him right through his kingship. His baggage ultimately cost him the crown.
Four years ago I arrived in the UK to minister in a few churches. I arrived with a very large suitcase, a guitar, an over the shoulder bag and a carry-on luggage bag. I made a super model and her travelling wardrobe look like child's play. I had way too much luggage. At first I didn't notice all the baggage I was carrying. I was fetched from the airport, someone helped me with luggage and I was taken straight to my accommodation. Then came the time for me to continue on my tour. I was dropped off at Maidstone Station and loaded everything on the train and off I went to London to catch an overland train onwards to Oxford. I was booked to minister somewhere that night. It was only when I arrived at a busy Victoria Station that I realised I was in trouble! Up until then I had not thought about how I was planning to get around London with all my baggage.
To get through a London Underground turnstile you have to insert your ticket into the turnstile and then retrieve it again and then the narrow turnstile opens for just enough time for you to walk through. It's enough time if it's just you, but not enough time if you are carrying baggage like I was! I would put the ticket in and then it would close again before I could get all my baggage through. You need to be agile and free to get around the Underground and I was neither of these! It was stressful to say the least. I nearly missed my connecting train. This baggage caused trouble for me for the rest of my time in the UK.
I was so relieved when I could check it all in at Heathrow Airport baggage drop on my return journey!
As a believer you too have been given a new heart and you have a
destiny. Don't hide among your baggage like Saul did! Don't let your
baggage slow you down like it slowed me down. You might be carrying
un-forgiveness or perhaps it's low self-esteem? Whatever it is, learn
from Saul and learn from me - drop the baggage! Give it to Jesus and
walk free.