Matthew 18: 1-4
Currently my diary is full of dates to speak to children, and what an eye opener it is turning out to be. I am enjoying spending time with children who simply accept that Jesus loves them whether they are big or small, boy or girl, etc. The simplicity and strength of their belief causes them and I to relax and enjoy life. We can dance around, smile and just worship God.
Adults like me have a tendency to go so deep with the gospel sometimes, that we miss the simple reality that an all powerful God loves us, says we are special, full of potential and is wanting to work with us, help us and guide us. We forget in our theology, and everyday work that Jesus died on the cross because he loved us, and wanted us to know God, to be in relationship with Him. How amazing!
I think I am gradually coming to understand the passage in scripture, which says.
'At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, 'Who is the
greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven?' He called a little child and had
him stand among them. And He said: 'I tell you the truth, unless you
change and become like a child you will never enter the Kingdom of
Heaven. Therefore whoever humbles himself like this child is the
greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven.'
Matthew 18: 1-4
The Kingdom of Heaven isn't opened to those who do the most, study the most or attend church the most, the Kingdom of Heaven is open to those who put God first and rest under His authority, making Him centre. People who accept His love demonstrated on the cross, His passion to spend eternity with His creation.
The child in the passage stood beside Jesus. When was that last time you simply stood beside Jesus and were simply you? It is simply you that He loves and died for.
Have a great Easter. I pray that this Easter will be one of simple
passion revelation.