Helen Kendall comments on how Christians share their faith

Recently I've been reading a book about prayer by Philip Yancey. It asks all the questions we are sometimes afraid to ask, like, do our prayers make a difference if God has already predestined everything? Is it our fault when prayer are not answered? And can God really change his mind because of us? Yancey comes to the conclusion that we are partners with God in this business of living and sharing our faith with others. In a sense, God doesn't need us to help, but he chooses to involve us and let us help. I guess you could say God is good at delegating!
Throughout my life I have had prayers that God has answered just the way I wanted him to and prayers that he has seemingly ignored. But I love the idea of a God who chooses to partner with us. A God who waits while we run to catch up, or walks slowly so we can match his stride. A God who breaks things into bite size portions so we can swallow without choking, who spells things out slowly so we can read them, rather than just plonking a book in front of us and expecting us to figure it out. I am challenged to share this side of God with those that don't know. I think that side of God often gets missed. Many people see God as a judge, as a finger pointing teacher or a stern parent. Just think you might be the only person your friends meet who can demonstrate that he is otherwise. I'm realising that as I share my faith with others I must do as God does with me. I must be a partner on their journey towards faith, or a decision against Christ. As in God's relationship with us, partnership always leaves the option for one partner to under perform, screw up, or just walk away. As Christians we are often so desperate to get people to understand the Christian story that we rush forward dragging our non Christian friends behind us, instead of partnering with them on a journey of discovery. Things that can make perfect sense to us can be utterly confusing to people new to Christianity. We must walk alongside people and invest in them if we are to understand their misconceptions of God and Christianity, their needs and their way of having community. As Christians we know there is an urgency to share the message of Jesus, because we know how much of a life and death issue it is. But we must beware of letting this urgency diffuse the power of the message. If we rush and push so much that people turn away from Christ then we have missed the point.
I am always challenged by the fact that I may be the only picture of Jesus that some people see. I may be the only chance they have to understand the true nature of God and his love for them. I need to treat people the way God treats me; He is patient, he puts up with my tantrums, my rejection, my indifference. He always forgives and is always there for me. We should do the same if we are serious about bringing others along on this faith journey.
"The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." 2 Peter 3:9
God is waiting until as many as possible can be reached. That part is
up to us. Partner with God in prayer as you lead people step by step
closer to Him.
Great article! The faith community has to become more effective at being imitators of Christ. It is not an undertaking for the faint of heart.
Success to you and to the kingdom of God.