Heather Bellamy spoke with David Carr about overcoming phobias, dyslexia and going on to work with footballers and pastor a church.
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David: When I was in the ministry to begin with I came from a generation that said you sacrifice everything including your family for God. But the Bible says if you don't take care of your own, you're worse than an infidel. So bringing up my children I personally feel I neglected them, even though they told me off for saying that. But then I came to my senses later on in life and realised that if you don't care for your family you can't care for anybody. My children forgave me for that. I've got a great relationship with them. We all come round now and there are eleven of us for Sunday lunch. I've got four great grand-children. I've learnt now, if they ever want to come and see me and I've got big business going on in the church, in my office, then everything stops so they can come and see me and show me their drawings and paintings. Family is the essence of where we come from.
Heather: You've written your autobiography, what was it like looking back on your life and writing your life story?
David: Well, I'm 69 now and people from all over the world have been asking me to write this story because it is unique, for years. And contrary to public opinion, I don't like talking about myself. It's very difficult to sit down and crystallise all your life, but when I was writing it I both laughed and wept. I've had people from all type of backgrounds, Christians and non-Christians who have all actually laughed and wept at the exact time that I did in writing it. So it must be capturing something that they can identify with.
Heather: Finally, what about the future, what are your plans and hopes?
David: I don't plan. As you say I'm the Bishop of The Order of St Leonard and it goes all over the world. I'm senior pastor of the church, I'm the chief chaplain of a group of hospitals, I play bowls and I have no intention of retiring. All I'll do is just keep going until one day the Lord taps me on the shoulder and says, "Come and live with me my friend" and then that'll be it.
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