Heather Bellamy spoke with Brian Heasley
Continued from page 1
Heather: What is Incarnational?
Brian: Incarnational is about...'The Message' version puts it really beautifully when it talks about Jesus became flesh and blood and moved into the neighbourhood. It's about actually living alongside, being a Christian wherever we are and expressing our faith wherever we are placed - so it just means bringing God to others in their situation.
Heather: And what are you doing now, I take it you are not in Ibiza anymore then?
Brian: No I'm not, I'm in wet and rainy England, but that's ok. Now I head up 24/7 Prayer here in Great Britain so my role is one of catalysing and motivating people to prayer, trying to inspire people to a radical lifestyle of prayer, mission and justice, so my role involves helping lots of different churches and organisations here in the UK to pray.
Heather: Is 24/7 Prayer still running over in Ibiza, but just with someone else?
Brian: We have trained up younger leaders. I am in my 40's and getting up at midnight until five in the morning became incredibly tiring. So we trained up a brilliant young couple named Avie and Charlie and they head up the work and are taking it from strength to strength. The work in Ibiza still exists, 24/7 Ibiza is still there and it's going from strength to strength.
Heather: And you've now written this book, so tell us about that.
Brian: I guess in the end we felt when we came back we'd learnt a lot about praying on the streets, about prayer walking, about engaging in club and pub culture and some people had asked us if we would write it down. So we wrote a book called 'Gatecrashing', which is really about prayer and mission and about breathing in God, but breathing out God, about following that rhythm of prayer, which is intimacy and involvement and is kind of along the incarnational stuff I've just talked about. The book really is a tool and resource to help people who want to be involved in prayer and mission.
Heather: And where can people buy it?
Brian: Muddypearl.com, the website of our publishers for