Hillsong Kids - Can You Believe It!?: Songs Of Truth

Hillsong Kids - Can You Believe It!?: Songs Of Truth
Hillsong Kids - Can You Believe It!?: Songs Of Truth

STYLE: Childrens
RATING Not Rated
LABEL: Hillsong Music 9320428332660
FORMAT: DVD Music video
RELEASE DATE: 2018-09-07
RRP: £11.99

Product Description
“...tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Lord, and His might & the wonders He has done.” - Psalm 78:4 “Can You Believe It!? - Songs of Truth” is both a question and a challenge... a statement of gratitude to a loving God and an invitation to explore the very foundations of faith. Classic songs like “My Best Friend”, “Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)” and “What A Beautiful Name” join brand new declarations of faith such as “As The World Shakes” & “Heaven Is Our Home”. We pray that this collection of fun and vibrant songs, help children around the world to declare biblical truths about God's love and grace for them.

Reader Comments

Posted by Caleb Naidoo in South Africa @ 14:25 on Sep 23 2018

'Can You Believe It!?’ Songs of truth is all about teaching children our common foundational beliefs as followers of Jesus Christ. Understanding the word of God is what gives us a solid foundation on which to build our love of Christ. We explore 14 praise and extreme worship songs like What a beautiful name and Oceans.

In God and His Word, children discover who God is, The Holy Trinity, and investigate God's Word, the Bible as well as understanding that God is our creator, in whose image we are made. The journey continues as children learn about Jesus Our Saviour, who we can call best friend because of His redemptive love for us, His victory over death is the reason we can have forgiveness and freedom. What a powerful name it is! Once understanding all this children get to unpack what it means to be

Living for God. What is God's purpose for their lives? Why is The Church Important? And begin to understand that is Heaven is our home. We pray that this series will set the course for how children understand God His word, Jesus our Saviour and how they can live a life for God. Through the worship, games, small groups and craft we pray that God would speak to every child and that they would grow in their relationship with Him.

The opinions expressed in the Reader Comments are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms.

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