Don Francisco - That I May Know You

Don Francisco - That I May Know You
Don Francisco - That I May Know You

STYLE: Roots/Acoustic
RATING Not Rated
OUR PRODUCT CODE: 37752-26486
LABEL: Independent

Reader Comments

Posted by Matt in Poole @ 15:33 on Dec 23 2008

I have only been moved as much by one other artist apart from Don. His albums shine the beauty and the fullness of Christ, and the only other person to make me cry as much is Mark Heard.

Don's albums have all been so beautiful and the songs may not be all hits on the radio, but they are hits in my heart. And Don has done it again with his beautiful album That I May Know You.

His faith and gospel and story songs are always so forthright and easy to listen to and be inspired by. And this wonderful album is no exception. There are great blues moments with great lyrics of focus in Old Jerusalem and Pushin On. These songs prove how powerful Don's albums still are.

I am not ashamed to say that That I May Know You makes me cry every time i hear it. It is such a pure and honest and moving song. I cant describe the impact its had on me.

Grace and Faith for the reason we enter heaven is a very strong lyric too. We dont earn heaven, it simply is a gift from God.

More Than Just Emotion is a briliant new worship song and it really makes my soul come alive every time i hear it.

Dont You Talk That Way and God So Loved are also so wonderfully written and sung by Don. To me he is one of the best songwriters ever.

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