Candle - Lullabies & Nursery Rhymes Vol 1

Candle - Lullabies & Nursery Rhymes Vol 1
Candle - Lullabies & Nursery Rhymes Vol 1

STYLE: Childrens
RATING Not Rated
LABEL: Birdwing BWR2041
FORMAT: 12 inch vinyl Album

Reader Comments

Posted by Diane Ventura in Cincinnati OH @ 03:35 on Oct 14 2021

My husband passed away 12/21/1998. He used to join me in singing these songs to our 4 children at bedtime.
They all have their own children now. Is there anyway to find these songs on a cd or mp3? The vinyl is prohibitive for me at $69.00 on amazon. As a homebound disabled 67 year old grandma on a fixed budget I just thought I’d ask for help finding these lullabies again. Thank you for your consideration. God Bless You.

Posted by Jan in USA @ 17:48 on Mar 25 2021

I am looking for the cassette version of the nursery and lullabies LP album

Posted by Tim Mathew in Evansville, IN @ 04:17 on Sep 15 2016

I just saw a comment on how we can find the album Candle, Lullabies and Nursery Rhymes Volume I in an mp3 format! Have been waiting for this our entire 35 yr. marriage. My wife was in the ministry that produced this album (Agape Force), and she sold these albums door-to-door.

Posted by michelle in philippines @ 00:37 on Apr 10 2015

THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR GIVING THE LINK ON BETSY AND FRANK HERNANDEZ! i teared up just listening to it. thank you so much from the bottom of my heart

Posted by Sheila Hogerheiden in Camarillo, California @ 20:27 on Dec 2 2014

I, too, am looking for this CD, cassette, whatever - vinyl. Any chance anyone knows where it is???
Sheila Hogerheiden

Posted by Mary potrawski in Saint Charles Il @ 21:49 on Oct 13 2014

I got this album as a gift and played it to my first born who is now 30! I've been looking for it for my future grandchildren! I found this site! Thank you!five

Posted by Angela in Jersey @ 23:51 on Jun 19 2014

I have these songs on my computer as mp3. Love Daddy's hands such a sweet song

Bye-lo my baby - Anne Herring
Daddy's hands -Ron Krueger
Don't be afraid of the dark - Frank Hernandez
The frog and the cricket - Mike Milligan
Goodnight little one - Frank Hernandez
I'll dream of you - Billy Walker
Just you & me - Michael & Stormie Omartian
Miss Mouse - mike Milligan
Music Box - frank & Betsy Hernandez
My son John - Warren Baker
No one like you - Andra Willis Muhoberac
Teddy Bear & Me -Sheila Zeitner & sherry Saunders
Baa Baa Little Lamb -Si Simonson

Reply by Diane Ventura in Cinti OH @ 02:37 on Nov 13 2014

Do you know how I can get mp3's or any other copy of these wonderful songs? When my husband passed away my 4 children wanted these songs because he used to sing them to the children. Had I only thought to tape him singing them. Thank You For Your Consideration & God Bless You

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Posted by Lydia in San Diego, CA @ 04:20 on Sep 30 2012

My 4 siblings and I grew up listening to "Lullabies and Nursery Rhymes". My mom always sang those songs to us, especially the "No One Like You" song. Now that I am full grown and have 2 children of my own, I'd LOVE to find this music on CD for them to listen to. We grew up with the tape, but sadly can not find it anywhere. We're pretty positive we lent it out and never got it back. My mom who sang the songs to us now sings them to her grandchildren. She's always wanted to find new copies of the music, but we haven't been able to find them anywhere.

Reply by Michelle J Ryan in Australia @ 09:23 on Nov 18 2013


I know we had a tape when I was little. I am now 22 but I think it was an older tape my mum got from her sisters. Was "no one like you" sung by a lady? And were some of the lullabies "country" sounding?

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Posted by lavonne pickens in greensboro nc @ 23:23 on Jun 3 2012

This was my daughter's favorite cassette. I still have her Fisher Price player that works fine. The cassestte plays the first lullaby and No One Like You, then disentergrates. Does anyone know where to find an old original cassette or have a copy of one? I did see the notes about the Hernandez's providing a zip drive. I will try that meanwhile. So glad others enjoyed this as much as we did.

Posted by Nadine in Ohio @ 03:32 on Mar 16 2012

I love this album! I used to play it for the Day Care children during their naptime. The song "No One Like You" was so special to hear after my husband was killed. I have no way to play it now so I can't put it on CD and I don't have mp3. I sure hope it's released again as a CD some day. I would like to share it with my grandkids...

Reply by Sondra in Crawford Colorado @ 15:52 on May 15 2012

Hi! I was wondering if you would mind posting the names of the songs on this album. I have been looking for one of my lullaby albums for several years now but I don't remember the title. I know one of the songs was something like "learning to talk at your mama's knee. God sent you here so that I might see just how great talking can be." it's strange what our child brains remember. :) I'd just really love to find this album for my kids. Thank you for your help!

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