Acappella - Sweet Deliverance

Monday 1st December 1997
Acappella - Sweet Deliverance
Acappella - Sweet Deliverance

STYLE: MOR / Soft Pop
RATING 6 6 6 6 6 6
LABEL: Acappella Company CD7019933602

Reviewed by Jo Sercombe

This latest offering from the Acapella Company contains few surprises with a stereotypical group, offering upbeat and soothing songs. Sweet Deliverance is playing safe in the easy listening zone. The supposedly homogeneous sound is slightly marred by a particularly dominant midrange voice and the arrangements are a little static, boiling down to mainly solo and accompaniment structures. However, there are some nice tunes- especially "Only You Are God" and "He Made His Own Mountain". The jazzy backup on "You Need Love" shows more sophistication and a passing resemblance to vocal masters Take 6, but shame they had to lift the tacky radio voice over idea (somewhat overused on 6's 'So Much 2 Say' album). Also, Sweet Deliverances cover of Steve Curtis Chapman's "Home Run" doesn't really go anywhere. Overall, it's a well produced album, performed by very competent singers, but it lacks the individualistic sparkle that makes acapella vocal music an absolute hit. These chaps have lovely voices, but I think Take 6 can sleep easy in their beds for now.

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Reader Comments

Posted by Helen Smith in Davenport Fl @ 15:44 on Nov 26 2006

We (my 27 yr old son & 4 yr old daughetr absolutlely love sweet deliverance. I am 60. We all sing to your tape in the car & at home-my grand daughter has 99 % of it memorized:) It Broke last week, & I can;t find one anywhere to replace it. Even just having the lyrics would help. If you ever get another copy ether on tape or cd, please please, let me know.
God Bless you all

The opinions expressed in the Reader Comments are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms.

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