Live Messianic DVD

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Wednesday 24th May 2006

DVD of worship recorded live in Jerusalem released by Paul Wilbur

THE WORLD'S leading messianic worship exponent Paul Wilbur will have a live DVD released in June. Recorded in Jerusalem, 'Shalom Jerusalem' follows on from the CD of the same name. The DVD was recorded at a Passover Feast and features Israeli folk dancing, along with native instruments and special guest violinist Maurice Sklar. Over 3000 believers from 14 nations gathered for the event. CR

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Reader Comments

Posted by marie oliveri in wasilla, alaska @ 07:43 on Jul 13 2009

a friend of mine loaned me a vcr tape live, jerusalem alive, and the first time i put it in, i told my husband that no matter what i would like to watch the whole tape, well he enjoyed it just as much as i do and when we put it in, he puts it on stero very loud and i know that our neighbors can hear it. i'll be looking forward to being able to purchase jerusalem arise on dvd soon. i have gone to our christian book store here in wasilla and they are always sold out on paul wilburs cds. well anywhoose i'll be looking forward to buying one in the future. until then its so good to know where i can buy it my self. until then. stay strong and keep on going.

Posted by william barone in hamden CT. @ 10:26 on Dec 12 2008

i have purchased every cd of mr. wilbur's. i start my day with the video holy, holy, holy. i would love too see him in person one day.

Reply by MICHELLE in PRESTON OKLAHOMA @ 18:29 on May 6 2010

I recently went to my church's bookstore to purchase a certain CD and walked out with a Paul Wilbur CD instead. It's anointed, and I LIKE IT TOO!

PS: Holy, Holy, Holy is a great way to start any day. I commend you for it.

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Reply by Theresa V. in Bridgeport, conn. @ 06:07 on Jul 6 2009

I have wanted to see Paul W. in concert in Israel for the past 15 years now. I never went to any concert in my whole life, but if I could , I would see his. The Arise Jerusalem is so inspiring to me. I have learned so much of the Hebrew language since I started listening and watching his videos to the point that when I talk to my Lord and read His Word every morning or whenever I pray , I always include some Hebrew worship while I am praising Jesus. Such as Yeshua ha Mashiach: Jesus the Messiah. Or like you said; Holy, Holy, Holy : Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh. I am so joyful that my Lord Jesus allowerd me to contact another person who loves to praise Him with the same songs as me. I would love to hear back from you. May God bless you William , From Theresa.

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