Life Articles

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Kerry ColeBrave Warriors
Kerry exhorts us in this short feature, that God has got a great plan and purpose for our lives, but it won't be fulfilled while we sit on our thrones. [08.08.02]
Kerry ColeFear Of Failure
Kerry encourages us that God is Alive, God is For Us, He Created Us, He has Purpose and Direction for Us and He wants Us to Succeed! [02.07.02]
John Smith: Final Reflection - Employment through Jesus
There's no unemployment working with Jesus says Australia's JOHN SMITH. [01.08.00]
John Smith: Final Reflection - Reconciling differences in Australia
Can you do anything about reconciliation between Aboriginal and white Australia, asks JOHN SMITH. [01.06.00]
John SmithFinal Reflection: John Smith - Modern culture
Australian apologist John Smith ponders what precisely draws people in to the secular dance music scene. [01.04.00]
John Smith: Final Reflection - Christmas
Australian apologist JOHN SMITH thinks on Christmas and suggests it's not just about Jesus. [01.12.99]
Glenn Kaiser: Talking Straight - 'Mobile - But Linked'
Modern man is increasingly mobile. But where's the intimacy we all crave? Resurrection Band frontman and pastor GLENN KAISER explores modern mobility. [01.12.99]
John Smith: Final Reflection - The dangers of drug de-criminalisation
To support the de-criminalisation of drugs is to be desperately short sighted, argues Australia's JOHN SMITH. [01.10.99]
John Smith: Final Reflection - The increasingly popular secular view that religion helps society
A new wave of secular sociologists are arriving at the conclusion that religion actually "works", Australia's JOHN SMITH reports. [01.08.99]
John Smith: Final Reflections - Traditionalism vs experimentation
Australian apologist JOHN SMITH looks at the tension between traditionalism and experimentation. [01.06.99]

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