Reader Comments for Sabio: The British pop rockers once known as Fruit

These are reader comments for the article 'Sabio: The British pop rockers once known as Fruit'

Reader Comments

Posted by ran in israel @ 09:03 on Jul 23 2006

Hello aaron, this is ran an old friend from times that past.
i hope that things are good with you and all your family, i will be happy to hear from you again. ran.

Reply by aaron in chichester @ 20:54 on Nov 12 2006

RAN!! cant believe its you!! i would love to get in contact with you and find out how your life is going. this is my email addres: I'm not sure if you'll ever come back to this website so if i dont hear from you in the next few days i'll get your dads number and get your email address.
speak to you soon, aaron.

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