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Article Title: Rich Mullins: The Ragamuffin documentary by director David Leo Schultz
Author of reported comment: Susan Tabor Herring
Comment Date: 04:37 on Apr 30 2019
Comment: I am the person described in the following excerpt from this article about the movie "Ragamuffin" based on the life of Rich Mullins.... "This was never supposed to be the end-all be-all. The best part for us is when we hear people go, "Who was this guy? I want to go look him up and get into his music." For us that's what it was about" I have spent the past two months devouring everything I can find about Rich Mullins. I have purchased 11 albums and 127 songs. I have watched more than 200 YouTube videos of Rich. All of this because of a "divine intervention" which led me to watch the movie. Three weeks ago, our Bible study group began reading James Bryan Smith's book "Rich Mullins: An Arrow Pointing to Heaven". I cannot thank you enough. I have been introduced to my soulmate who now resides in heaven. My life has been forever changed.
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