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Article Title: Mission Praise: Blending old hymns and new worship songs for 25 years!
Author of reported comment: Lindsey Smith
Comment Date: 11:01 on Oct 31 2015
Comment: Hello, I am a Christian and attend St. Paul's church, Barton, Isle of Wight. I cannot read or write music, but on Good Friday, 2008, at 4am, I felt the Lord was giving me a hymn as I heard a song I had never heard before and it was if someoine was playing a radio song, with the words and music complete. At the time, I wrote down the words so that I would not forget them later. I later explained to a lady at my chuch who was a music teacher and she told me to visit her house one day and sing it to her. I did so and she wrote down the musical notes from listening to my singing. After a period of time, my choir masterat St. Paul's church, Barton, Isle of Wight, taught it to the choir and we sang it in church a few times. It has now been recorded onto a CD, but has not, as yet, been published. I wondered if you might interested in listening to it. It is called 'He's Your Son.'
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