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Article Title: Masterpiece Christian Records: A pioneering grassroots record label
Author of reported comment: mr balogun
Comment Date: 07:09 on May 30 2015
Comment: chocolate city has been away from the Nigerian music industry for a while now, so chocolate city is looking for upcoming talented artistes to come for an audition and the most talented artiste will have a record deal with chocolate city record. There will be lots of consolation prizes for the participating artistes.All interested artistes are to send their details via email to ( in the following format: Sponsorship and marketing deal is also available for interested artistes. NAME……. STAGE NAME….. MUSIC GENRE….. ADDRESS…….. AGE…… PHONE NUMBER… PHOTOGRAPH........... All entries should be sent immediately as only limited slots available. AUDITION TEAM 2015 Lagos or call 08139737967 Plot 77, 22b Admiralty Way, Lekki Phase 1, Lagos, Nigeria
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