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Article Title: Howl Of The Streets
Author of reported comment: Margaret Osborne
Comment Date: 21:14 on May 11 2014
Comment: I worked with Mike Weston for a short while . He was at Vospers Motor House here in Plymouth in the accounts department had the full benefit of a bass guiarists in our midst. Frank Tyler (Drummer) worked just across the road within Millbay Docks. The Ladybird clothing factory rented the floor above us. The machinists would hang around on the stairs waiting to see Mike and ask for his autograph. He had an old felt trilby hat that he would always wear. I shut that old hat in the office safe one evening, just before we all finished work for the day...poor Mike nearly went crazy. His old felt trilby was duly rescued from the safe before we left so Mike had a warm head while walking to the bus stop!!!! We had some wonderful evenings at the Quay Club down on the Barbican. I thought Mike was the bees knees till I met the love of my life whom I married in 1969, we are still going strong all these years later (2014) so I owe the Betterdays a thank you for helping me to meet a great guy who has stood by me through all the good and bad times of our married life. Hope all of the Betterdays have been happy through the years too. If any of you read this then Hello to you all, do you remember Lizzy? She was the quiet and less scatty/zany of us!! :)
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