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Article Title: Kevin Prosch Confesses Sin
Author of reported comment: Diane
Comment Date: 11:44 on Oct 15 2013
Comment: It seems that Kevin Prosch suffered a great deal as a child, so it can't really be a shock that he lost his way and made the choices he did. His ex- wife and children have paid a lifetime for the sins of the father....and I mean KPs father. I have never known of any family more destroyed and shattered. The church's greatest, most anointed and wisest leaders used and confused the situation because instead of looking at the whole person, they looked at gifts and anointing in KP and never helped him heal...and never cared one bit about his family. It isn't a surprise that KP spent a lifetime hiding and not trusting. Music was safe and trying to be "real" without fully understanding what that even meant and carrying the burden of his past...why wouldn't he make the choices he made? I hope and pray this guy will be given peace that passes understanding in the years to come, and that his family will be free of the residue of sin that have been passed down generation to generation. I know that I forgive him 100%.
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