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Article Title: Mike Stanley 1965-2013
Author of reported comment: Roseanne
Comment Date: 15:37 on Oct 7 2013
Comment: I first met Mike when I was part of a mass choir for Roger Jones Angel Voices. As a teenager I was fascinated by his beautiful voice. Memoriable songs such as 'Here I stand' and 'Listen to me' have been ringing round my head since I heard of his death. The two early Soli House cassettes were very significant to me in my early Christian walk too. I am actually grieving for someone who I met watched at numerous rehursals, but never actually KNEW in person. His anointed singing and songs had an enormous impact on me....Songs like 'Turn to me, oh turn and be saved' 'We eat this bread ..' yes, I too remember the multi-coloured trousers!! I am inspired to make an impact with my life as he did.
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